LC: To use different sentence structures depending on the formality of writing

Have you ever wondered how crimes and punishments have changed throughout the ages ? If you have , you have come to the right text . The five eras that I’m going to be writing about are : the Romans , the Anglo- Saxons , the Tudors , the Victorians and World War II . Did you know that theft has always been the most common crime committed in those eras and it still is today?An example of a punishment for a crime would be getting put in a sack with snakes and thrown into a river to drown . This would happen if you committed patricide ( killing your father) .

The  Roman times
During the time spanning roughly between 500BC and 400AD , the Roman Empire ruled most of the civilised  world . During this time  , lots of slums and homeless people were really poor so they had to steal the food . So that is why theft is the most common crime committed . There is also murder . The punishments were harsh but not as harsh and the Anglo-Saxon and the Tudor punishments . If you killed someone your punishment would be crucifixion, and if you stole something your hand would be cut off to stop you from stealing again . Fortunately there was something to stop people from committing crimes sometimes . There were about 7000 vigils who dealt with criminals like thieves and enslaved people who ran away . Let’s look at crime and punishment in the Anglo -Saxon times .

Anglo-Saxon times
The Anglo-Saxon period began in Britain around 410CE . During this time , there were a lot of neighbourly  neighbours but also some people who would commit crimes . The three most common crimes committed were fighting , treason and theft . If someone was seen committing a crime then the witness could raise a ‘hue and cry ‘ (shouting for help ) . You would to pay money for  fighting because the doctors would need to repair the broken bone they broke . If you committed treason of theft you would be instantly killed .

Tudor times.
The Tudor period began in Britain in 1485 – 24 March – 1603 . This was a time of many changes . Explorers discovered new lands and maps had to be rewritten and there were religious changes across England and Wales . But people still committed  awful crimes! The most popular crimes that were committed were stealing , heresy and treason . Did you know , that there were ‘parish cons tables ‘ that caught criminals . To deal with these criminals , there were ordeals to see if you were guilty or innocent , the ordeals were divination , a physical test and battle . The punishments were being in the stocks , being beheaded and burned . Although these crimes are harsh , the Roman punishments are nicer . 

The Victorian times.
The Victorian period started    1837 and it ended in 1901 . This time it was fairly more modern than the other eras . For example they had police but they were really bad ones and they weren’t paid enough money .  The three most common crimes in this time were , not sending your child to school , theft  , and murder . Some punishments were really harsh . Like if you did not send your child  to school you would be sent to Australia for six months without for or water , you would have to hunt for it . Did you know , child offenders had to go to a ‘ Reformatory school ‘ to get help . Something that wasn’t fair in this time was if you were a darker skin colour they would treat you differently and even execute you! But obviously this has changed now . 

World War II
World War II started in 1939 and it ended in 1945 . This era is the most Modern  era I am going to be writing about . The three most common crimes committed were looting , the black market and murder . There were more reliable police then and they got a more average wage . The punishments weren’t as harsh . Nobody was getting killed (only if you committed murder) , they probably just went in prison for a few years or they might have got a fine . Did you know , that the court was much more serious and fair ! For looting you would get a fine or a short prison sentence . For committing the black market you would get a big fine and imprisonment. Lastly , for murder you would be put to death if you were guilty .

An excellent and informative report, Violet.  A good range of sentence types with subject- specific vocabulary throughout.  A few missing commas in clausing- but only a few!  Always remember formality though- try not to start sentences with “Like…” 

LC:To use different sentence structures depending on the formality

Have you wondered about crime and punishment though out the past? However the most common crime through out the past was theft. In this writing, there are facts about the Roman era to the  Morden Britain. Further back history there has always been punishments for the crimes that people  had done.

Roman era
Most of the crimes in the roman was stealing because people were mostly poor and had no food or money. In the Roman times  there would be crimes in the temple that was mostly  be caused from poor people stealing  food because they would  be starving . Most of the punishments would be whipping and fines, were the common punishments. Normal the criminals  would get I caught by the police.

Anglo- Saxon
In the anglo Saxon were the most common crimes was stealing, however if you did it  more than once you would get your hand cut off. There were police that was responsible for the towns crimes and punishments.  The church had its own system  of the punishment for the crimes. If a jury  man could nor decide if a person was innocent or guilty  of a particular  crime. The church and the local lords  had the power to decide. 

Well done for completing paragraphs for these eras in history.  Very good introduction and key points given. Check through your spellings as well as adding commas for clauses in your report. 


Lc:To use different sentence structures depending on formally of writing

Crime and punishment

There are many different types of punishment depending on the time and place, this is what I am going to write about today. There are 5 types of unique time lines. These  are Roman Anglo-Saxons , Tudor , Victorian and World War 2. Do you want to be in any of these times?Some of them even had deafening life ending punishment’s that nobody  will ever want. I don’t think anyone would, would you? When you stool you could get whipped.


There were horrible life ending punishments that people would want to get. Like one of the worst punishment like nails hammered you down until  you can’t breathe anymore the pain is just awful and impossible  to watch the pain will hurt forever. Also, it will be a very slow and humiliating punishment to get. It was only used when you hurt someone like kill them could be anyone.It was called the criss fecshion. All the worst punishments were during 500BC and 400AD in the Roman Empire. The most common sines of theft is stealing because everyone was poor and you could get killed for it and you would want yourself and your family to sevive. There were witnesses and manifest to cach them. They had dirty streets and a huge population of 45 million. If you were pout somewere to stay for your punishment you will get Woden soes so it will be hard to escape but sometimes you will get a Woden necklace to say you crime so people know to stay away from you. If you steal you will need to pay 4 times the amount that it cost if you can’t you could get killed. If you have a son or someone in your family that got mudded you can kill them with out you having a punishment.


Theft was still the most attempted  because people were still very poor. Is you stool something your limes will get chopped off. So you can’t get a job or really eat properly. Also, very hungry, it was a very small village so there worn’t that many jobs but it was easy to get cached. If they needed help they would shout for help then people will come and help them.The king decided’s your punishment just like the rules if you kill him or a lord you will get a death penalty. Hue and cry are expected to help to cach the criminal since there was no police.Tithing which is 10 men that was in charge of there group ( behaviour).Did you know that the church can decide the punishment. Blood pice if you injured someone they could get lots of money.If you kill someone the family will get the money from the murder because you can’t give the money to the person that you killed. There was a trial by ordeal it is when they tell you to pick up a stool or sark over burning hot cool or pick up iron.


The Tudors lived for 1485 to 1603bc, they went to church regularly. Also, loads of people dieded before they turned 35 years old. They lived in Britain for a very long time. There was loads of small towns and villages  preventing crime.There was the scols bride which stops you from torking there was also such thing as the stooks. There was still no police officer,They believe if  the punishment was painful anuth people won’t do it.Whipping was the most common punishment  for these crimes: homelessness, stealing and not going to church.If you committed tresion you could get exaacuted and hung also burned like a stack.


Theft was still the most common crime committed   in the Victorian times. There has started to be a police force which helped lots of people protected Britain. There started to be more prisons and fines instead of death. Which is better for all of them but if you stool or killed someone you will get sent to Australia which you can die on the bot and it was very harsh in that time every crime that you commited you would go to prison for crimes that aren’t that bad or a fine but all of them you normally go to Australia. Thankfully that stopped in 1857 now they will only use prison and crime’s.

World war 2

Theft was of course the most common crime committed  in the world,it was because at night there were no lights to see what they are doing, shops and homes have been  bombs so it is easier to steal there belongings from them.There was no death penalty’s but loads of people died because of the air was so fin the only reason why that is was the bombs. 

Brillant facts, Chelsea for all 5 of the periods in history.  You have used commas and sentence punctuation well but have another look at key spellings- eg  stole, crucifixion, committed.    


How mountains are formed (Bigwrite)

Practice   Introduction.

Surprisingly, Mountains grow very hi-gh due to the tectonic plates pushing up into the earth. It takes a very long time to form and grow. It grows very tall just like Mount Everest. Mount Everest is the tallest mountain and the fact that the mountain grew like that is amazing.

Block Mountain.

Have you ever wondered how many different ways they are formed? There are 4 ways. A dome shape, shape a block shape, a fold shape and a plateaus shape. We are going to mainly talk about how block mountains are formed, just like Mount Everest. Block mountains are formed with 3 layers. One layer pushing the mountain above sea level and two underground beneath sea level. Both of the plates underground are pushing together forming a shape/plate above sea level making another plate growing taller and taller. Once it grows that tall it becomes a mountain, a hill or a volcano. Mostly mountains like Mount Everest.


DCF 1.0

Dome mountains. Dome mountains are just like block mountains but a dome shape instead. This is another way that has tectonic plates to work. Underneath the mountain, there is a river of molten rock that pushes the mountain up forming a dome shape from the earths crust. There is a mountain called the dome mountain but don’t be fooled by the name, there are many other mountains that are formed this way. The mountains get taller and taller by this formation.

Fold Mountains!

Fold mountains are basically the same as dome and block mountains but it’s a different shape than the other mountains. Although, the mountains go higher like the other mountains, the layers fold acting like hills on top of each other. Mount Everest also uses this type of growth. It is very helpful for mountains and better so climbers can sometimes use the folds like stairs. That is how people climbed Everest.


Plateaus mountains can become really high. They are built up of earth that crumbled from the ground and that have piled and piled on top of each other, forming a tall mountain also forming hills next to the mountain. Surprisingly, the tallest Plateaus Mountains are the Tepui Plateaus mountain which is about 5,000 meters and about 16,000 feet. There’s also big mountains about plateaus in Colorado and everywhere in many countries, especially the alps.

Absolutely brilliant writing in different sentene types and paragraphs.  Super use of images and photos to enhance the writing too. Well done.

How are mountains are formed?

Have you ever wondered how mountains are formed? Although, mountains are formed over millions of years, they are all completely diverse. There are four different types of mountains; block, dome, fold and volcanic. Block mountains are created by the earths crust being pushed up in big folds or pushed up or down in blocks. Constantly, the weather wears the rocky surface away and leaves the mountain jagged.

Block mountains start to form after a Slab of land breaks apart. Then it is formed up as two of the Earth’s tectonic plates pull apart or pushed together( this is called a fault.) A fault line is lines that breaks the ground apart.

Dome mountains
Dome mountains are occur when the liquid rock inside the Earth, which forces the ground above it upwards, forms over the top. This swelling but does not break through the surface. Molten rock helps the Earth push up ,to make a dome shape.

Fold mountains

Fold mountains are the most common types of mountains. The plates push forward slowly over the years (they are 50 million years old.) Many mountain ranges are much older, such as the Himalayas.


Plateaus are flat areas of land found in high places. When a mountain is formed, blocks of Earth can fall and lift next to each other to produce a high mountain and a lower plateau.


You have included topic specific vocabulary and a variety of punctuation.   What other details could you add using clauses?  MR

Mountains forming.


How are mountains formed ? In this fact file we will answer  this question and find out  how all mountains are formed. Mountains are formed in many different ways ( block , dome , fold and plateaus)and  all of theses  mountain types are all over the world.

Block Mountains

Block mountains are formed when 2 tectonic plates collide or pull apart from each other . The ground on either  side of the block mountain is pulled down while the block mountain is pulled upwards and this is due to the tectonic plates. An amazing example of a block mountain is Mount Everest , which is in the Himalayas mountain range.

Dome mountains

When dome mountains are formed, molten rock , which comes from deep inside of Earth , pushes against the Earths crust and results in a dome shaped mountain . Although dome mountains have molten rock (lava) , it does not break the surface (crust) of the Earth and if it did then the mountain would not be a dome mountain , it would be a volcano.

Fold mountain

A fold mountain , which is the most common type of mountain , is formed when tectonic plates (over millions of years ) push forward and begin to fold , making a fold mountain. Eventually after enough time it can form a mountain range of fold mountains. The Himalayas mountain range is a folded mountain range , which began to form when the Indian and Asian plates collided .



A plateau mountain is formed in a similar way to the dome mountain and it is formed when magma fails to break the crust of the Earth ( if it did it would turn into a volcano ) . Plateaus mountains can occur in every continent of the world , which makes it take up 1/3 of our land. An example of a plateaus mountain is the Yellowstone Plateaus ( it is located in the United States ) .


VF:  Well done providing so many examples of your mountain types.  You have included fronted adverbials, a variety of punctuation and topic specific vocabulary.  MR



How are mountains formed?

Have you ever wondered how mountains are formed ? Although mountains are formed over millions of years , they are all completely diverse . There are four different types ; Block , Dome , Fold and Plateaus . Block mountains are created when the Earths crust is pulled up in big folds or forced up or down in blocks . Constantly , the weather wears the rocky surface away and leaves the mountains jagged.

Block mountains

To begin to form a block mountain , a slab of land has to break off and then is slowly forced up as two of Earths tectonic plates as they pull apart or push together . The name block mountains comes from the two blocks either side of the mountain that are forced down , while the mountain is forced up . This process is known as being forced down. Did you know , faults  are lines where the ground breaks apart to commonly make earthquakes . √ Nicely written.

Dome mountains

Interestingly , dome mountains occur when liquid rock inside the Earth forces the ground above it upward (so the swelling doesn’t break through the surface ) . The force , or pressure , which produces a dome like shape is where the name Dome mountain came from . This mountain is very different from a volcano , since the molten rock does not erupt through the crust just like a volcano , it is a type of mountain .

Fold mountain

Amazingly , fold mountains are the most common type of mountain ! Slowly, making more and more folds , the tectonic plates push forward over the years . The Himalayas in Asia are good examples of fold mountains , they are 50 million years old .  Surprisingly, many mountain ranges are older . When the Indian plate collided with the Asian plate , the Himalayas began to form .


Shockingly, Plateaus are flat areas of land which are found in high places . When a mountain is formed , blocks of Earth can drop and lift next to each other to produce a high mountain and a lower  plateau . Above sea  levels , plateaus can be found . Did you know , the Tibetan Plateau in the Himalayas is the worlds highest plateau , and the largest  . It is 16,400 ft above sea level .



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