LC: To use different sentence structures depending on the formality of writing

Introduction  In this writing , there will be details of crimes and punishments from the Roman era to modern Britain. Throughout all these times , and even further back in history , people have always committed crimes and faced punishments for those. For example , if you commit patricide (killing your father) you would be put in a sack of snakes and thrown in the river to drown. Would you believe it ?

Roman times

During this particular time period , ( it spanned between 500 BC and 400 AD murder and theft was very common. Also also , in this time period , the Romans had to follow the rules of the Empire or you would be punished according to your status ( if you did not  follow the rules ). Punishments in the Roman era were not nice ! The punishment that was usually used was beating and lashing (particularly on there back ). More meaningful crimes demanded more violent and more harsher punishments. These included ; being thrown of a cliff or crucifixion. Worst of all , the Romans did not always give punishments ; they sometimes moved onto instant death. If this was you and you got blamed for something you did not do , how would you feel ? In the Roman times , there were prisons , but they  were rarely used. Sometimes , they were used to hold prisoners before trial. Although all these punishments seem very severe , but in Roman times they were actually used.

Anglo-Saxon times

The Anglo-Saxon era started in around 410 AD and ended at about 1066 AD. In the Anglo-Saxon period  , crime and theft used to usually be fined (weregild). In that time , money used to called shillins shillings (1 shilling is more than 1 pound !). If the Anglo-Saxons can’t decide whether innocent or guilty , they would do a trial (by ordeal). These included ; walking bare foot an hot coal and putting your hand in hot boiling water. If god decided to heal you in three days , you are innocent but if god did not heal it in three days , you are guilty. Also , if you commit theft , your hands would be chopped of so you can not steal. Sometimes , ( it is just for men ) if you recite a verse from the Bible , you would be let go.

Tudor times

If you want to know something quick about the Tudor period ,you should know that crime and punishment in that time period was extreme. In the Tudor Tudor period , there would be a punishment for absolutely every type of crime from petty crimes to murdering. If you gossip too much , you would get a scolds bridle to stop you from talking so much. Being burnt alive was a very common punishment. If you sell food and it is rotten, you would get a pillory ( it is where you get rotten food thrown on you ). If you are currently planning a treason against the Empire you will be executed. Remember this , in the Tudor period the punishments that were given were mainly to humiliate the criminals.

The Victorian times

The Victorians were also quite extreme. In this era , children were 10 and above were claimed as adults. So , if children do crime , they would get the same punishments as an adult. If you steal in the Victorian times you would get killed (either children or adult ). No school ? It is a crime. The children would go to child labor all the way to Australia. In the Victorian times Sir Robert Peel introduced the first police force. Then as time slowly went by the police forces slowly became more popular.


As you all know WW2 (world war 2) has very recently happened so you could know lots of things about this part of history. In WW2 , lots of crimes happened. The most common crimes that happened during this amount of time were robbery and murder. Luckily, during this time, there were police forces that tried to stop the crime from happening. Lots of people during that time , were selling things on the black market. So , those people that were caught stealing on the black market were fined and were imprisoned.

Very clear and organised facts throughout.  Also, well chosen vocabulary and varied sentences.  Add more details to your Victorians paragraph though. 

LC: To use different sentence structures depending on the formality of writing


Do you want to learn about all of the ages? Explore the crimes and punishments throughout history. I will write about the crime and punishments in the Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Tudors, Victorians and World War 2. All of the crimes are very similar, however the punishments are very diverse. For example, if you committed patricide (killing your father) in the Roman times you would be put in a sack of snakes and thrown in river.


The Roman Empire ruled England for roughly 500 BC to 400AD. There was no police so people would ask there friends to help them catch a criminal. The punishment for murder would be death and the punishment for treason would be death or be imprisoned. If you accused  someone the Vigiles would hunt you down and give you a punishment. They would deal with wrongdoers such as thieves and slaves, who ran from ther owners. Did you know the Vigiles would put out fires because there was no fire brigades. The emperor was protected by the Praetorian guard. When the Romans left Britain the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings raided.


The Anglo-Saxons ruled England for roughly 410BC to 1066BC.There was still no police so people would shout for help. If you committed murder you would have to pay 100 shillings but if committed a crime twice you would have your hand chopped off. If the judge could not decide if you were guilty or innocent then you would have trial by ordeal. Trial by ordeal is when you step on burning hot coal or when you put your hand in boiling water to find a stone. If you your feet or hand heals in three days you are innocent because God saved you because your not guilty. Interestingly, children are considered as adults at the age of ten.Did you know that when the Anglo-Saxons left the Tudors came to Britain.


The Tudors rule from 1485BC to 1603BC. The punishments were all about public humiliation. For example, a punishment could be the scolds bridle, which stops you from talking by having spikes on your tongue.Another punishment is locked in stocks , which locks you in a uncomfortable position for a long time. This is what they look like.

A punishment for being drunk in public could be put in a barrel of beer.If people were accused of being a witch they would be dunked into a lake and if the drowned they weren’t a witch but if you floated back up you used black magic so you would be burnt at the steak. Once the Tudors left the victorians ruled Britain.


Victorians would have public hangings and people would sell food while they get hanged. The first policemen were introduced and they were called Peels.Criminals would be transported to Australia. You would have to be on a cold damp boat for six months. Surprisingly, most of the people where as young as nine years old. A lot of people died on the way and if you survived the journey you would go to a workhouse. A workhouse is a place where the homeless people went for a roof and food :they had to pay 50 pounds. The workhouse would let them work for money but they only earned 20 pounds. If you left the workhouse you would have to come back because you would not know a thing about the wild animals of Australia .

World War two

The war lasted for 7 years. It was between 1939 and 1945. The most common crime was theft but world war 2 changed that to looting because lots of buildings were bombed. The punishment for looting was a fine or a short prison sentence. If you were caught selling on the black market you would be fined or imprisonment. The murder was more common so the consequence could be death.  There still was police and police duties increased because of the amount of crimes committed. New laws were introduced. For example, air raids, blackouts and rationing. There was not many woman officers and the police were called blackout bobbies. They were called this because they made sure that no light from houses and shops could be seen to stop German bombers from flying overhead. Children were evacuated to the countryside. This is what a German bomber looked like.

The crime and punishments have changed a lot throughout history. There are new punishments, which are fair ,for example murder would not be death it would be a lot of years in prison. There’re also lots of machines to prevent crime. For example, CCTV because they would have footage of the horrible crime so they would be found. There are lots of new crimes as well.For example, speeding and car theft.


Very good range of information for each era in history.  You have researched this topic well and I can see you have chosen specific vocabulary choices to suit the purpose of the writing.  Well done Theo!