LC: To use different sentence structures depending on the formality of writing

Have you ever wondered how crimes and punishments have changed throughout the ages ? If you have , you have come to the right text . The five eras that I’m going to be writing about are : the Romans , the Anglo- Saxons , the Tudors , the Victorians and World War II . Did you know that theft has always been the most common crime committed in those eras and it still is today?An example of a punishment for a crime would be getting put in a sack with snakes and thrown into a river to drown . This would happen if you committed patricide ( killing your father) .

The  Roman times
During the time spanning roughly between 500BC and 400AD , the Roman Empire ruled most of the civilised  world . During this time  , lots of slums and homeless people were really poor so they had to steal the food . So that is why theft is the most common crime committed . There is also murder . The punishments were harsh but not as harsh and the Anglo-Saxon and the Tudor punishments . If you killed someone your punishment would be crucifixion, and if you stole something your hand would be cut off to stop you from stealing again . Fortunately there was something to stop people from committing crimes sometimes . There were about 7000 vigils who dealt with criminals like thieves and enslaved people who ran away . Let’s look at crime and punishment in the Anglo -Saxon times .

Anglo-Saxon times
The Anglo-Saxon period began in Britain around 410CE . During this time , there were a lot of neighbourly  neighbours but also some people who would commit crimes . The three most common crimes committed were fighting , treason and theft . If someone was seen committing a crime then the witness could raise a ‘hue and cry ‘ (shouting for help ) . You would to pay money for  fighting because the doctors would need to repair the broken bone they broke . If you committed treason of theft you would be instantly killed .

Tudor times.
The Tudor period began in Britain in 1485 – 24 March – 1603 . This was a time of many changes . Explorers discovered new lands and maps had to be rewritten and there were religious changes across England and Wales . But people still committed  awful crimes! The most popular crimes that were committed were stealing , heresy and treason . Did you know , that there were ‘parish cons tables ‘ that caught criminals . To deal with these criminals , there were ordeals to see if you were guilty or innocent , the ordeals were divination , a physical test and battle . The punishments were being in the stocks , being beheaded and burned . Although these crimes are harsh , the Roman punishments are nicer . 

The Victorian times.
The Victorian period started    1837 and it ended in 1901 . This time it was fairly more modern than the other eras . For example they had police but they were really bad ones and they weren’t paid enough money .  The three most common crimes in this time were , not sending your child to school , theft  , and murder . Some punishments were really harsh . Like if you did not send your child  to school you would be sent to Australia for six months without for or water , you would have to hunt for it . Did you know , child offenders had to go to a ‘ Reformatory school ‘ to get help . Something that wasn’t fair in this time was if you were a darker skin colour they would treat you differently and even execute you! But obviously this has changed now . 

World War II
World War II started in 1939 and it ended in 1945 . This era is the most Modern  era I am going to be writing about . The three most common crimes committed were looting , the black market and murder . There were more reliable police then and they got a more average wage . The punishments weren’t as harsh . Nobody was getting killed (only if you committed murder) , they probably just went in prison for a few years or they might have got a fine . Did you know , that the court was much more serious and fair ! For looting you would get a fine or a short prison sentence . For committing the black market you would get a big fine and imprisonment. Lastly , for murder you would be put to death if you were guilty .

An excellent and informative report, Violet.  A good range of sentence types with subject- specific vocabulary throughout.  A few missing commas in clausing- but only a few!  Always remember formality though- try not to start sentences with “Like…” 

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