The survivors guide for SAT

Introduction: Many year 6s are soon going in to SATs (which happens in may) and many people are getting overwhelmed and also stressed, so throughout this guide I’m going to be giving top tips and ideas on how to get your self ready and get the most marks on your SATs. How to prepare for […]

Surviving the week of SATS

Surviving The Week Of Sats
This is the guide of surviving your week of sats. Don’t worry how you’ve done on your mocks and take some notes from this guide. This will help you to stay calm and cope.


A tip from me is to revise everything you don’t feel comfortable with. After you learn that, then I would have some time for yourself; go outside or play sports . Stay calm, don’t worry about it too much or it can affect you. After that time is done, I would go back and revise everything and do it at least an hour per day or even half an hour.


Even though you might be stressed, make sure you talk to a teacher about how your feeling. They are there for you just like your friends. Ask questions about the Sats because during them you won’t be able to. Don’t overthink it and try to remain calm.  If you’re in your Sats and you’re stressed, take deep breaths and count to 10.


Do your normal schedule and if you don’t have one, my tip is to make one. If today is the day of your Sats, eat something healthy such as a banana to give you more energy. Make sure you go to the toilet before the Sats because during them you won’t be able to. In the morning, make sure you eat but don’t eat too much because it can make you sick and you won’t feel well and it won’t be good because your brain needs to work. Before the Sats, ask all the questions you have because during them you won’t be able to.



Make sure you get a good night’s sleep to be refreshed and all ready for your Sats. I would suggest to go sleep at 9:00pm. Make sure you get at least get 10 plus hours of sleep. This will make you refreshed and give you energy and think clearer. Turn off all electronics an hour before sleep and read a book or relax.


Your health is very important because your mind needs to be rested and ready to learn. Make sure you eat and drink to stay healthy. Don’t eat too much because it’ll make it very unwell and you won’t be able to concentrate and you won’t do good in the Sats.



Set a schedule and make sure you revise for at least half an hour. Eat breakfast, dinner, and other, you can grab yourself a snack. If you wake up at 7, I would go sleep at 9 which makes it 10 hours make, sure you at least get 10 or more hours. This will make you rested and ready to start your day and follow your schedule.

Check this paragraph for sense!


Make sure you go get some exercise and some fresh air outside by playing your favourite sport. An example of my favourite sport is football but yours might be basketball or something else. Make sure you do get some fresh air. Go outside with your friends; play hide and seek it or any games. Fresh air is important to clear your mind from stuff.


Top tips on sats


Before you do your sats you should do some revision and work with or without an adult but you should practice before you start the sats and before you start the sats you should get a good night sleep and for breakfast you should have a banana or a  good meal so you can focus and keep going and if you are nerves it’s fine because it will help you boost you conference and there are ways  to get over it .


Before you start you should get a practice sheet or do some revision with an adult  and before   you start the sats you should do some think like play football to keep it of your mind until you forget about it and get a good night sleep and for breakfast you should have a banana or have a very good breakfast to keep you mined going for all out the test and before you get to do your sats you should go to the bathroom so you don’t need to go through out the test .


If your doing revision you should work with an adult and if your nerves about revision it’s fine because you can over come that by doing a lot of stuff like playing football to get it off your mind or just do what you like  or reed a book so you can  just boost your confidence so when you do it you can just get it done and don’t be worried any more .

SATs help


When you focus on your Sats you need a good night sleep, and is you can study . All ways have a good breakfast that is packed of energy. Take breaks as you go along. Make a schedule for your learning and breaks.All ways ask for help when your stuck ask a friend.Take a minute to breathe. Go outdoor and play take breaks. Ask for matirvation. If your stuck or stressed out count to 10.


If you are struggling with a particular topic or question you can revise. To help store that information in your long term memory. Information in your long term memory is information you can draw on it again.The best way to revise is in a short burst, with breaks in between.


When you wake up all ways have a healthy breakfast, this is important because it will give lots of energy. Did you know that your brain takes 20% of energy in your body all ways take breaks revise for 1 hour a day.Turn your phone of so you don’t get distracted. If you eat a biscuit you won’t have that much energy to last you. All ways have a positive attitude to teachers and other people.

All ways show good behaviour because the teachers will focus on your learning,and people that listen. Is any one in the test is being distracting you cope with it, because the teachers will deal with it. You can take runs in the mornings so it will take you’re mind off of learning. Before the week of your SATs revises any topic you not good at. I hope these top tips will help you with your SATs.

Sats guide for Year 6.

To prepare for SATs, these are the top things to do to be ready for the big day.

To prepare we need to get studying and recapping over revision of the things you have done in the past!
This would be very helpful if you get a question in your Sats that you have gone over before.

You could go outside to get some fresh air to feel calmer and more comfortable to actually do the Sats. It will make you happier to think, which will help you think more clearer and refresh your brain.

You could also eat for more energy (not a lot of food). Water could help you or something else like juice. (Something Healthy). This will make your brain focus more clearer and feel more energetic. If your doing SATs you could focus more and feel more comfortable about it because you know more.

Be happy; smiling makes you feel more happy and more energetic so to cope with Sats I definitely recommend it. It has always helped me so it should help you.


Coping with it!

Coping with it also helps too! If you cope with it, you will understand
it more!

You can step out of your safe zone and start studying, it helps that you won’t struggle in the Sats.

You could breathe. Take a minute to breathe and you will feel much better and happier. You could feel more calm and think more.

Get lots of sleep! Sleeping is the main technique. You should sleep for 8 hours. If you have more time, maybe you could sleep for 10 or 12 hours. I definitely recommend this because you will feel very ready and energetic in the morning. Your brain will remember all the stuff that you have learnt before.


To survive Sats you need to try your best! Trying your best is essential. If you don’t know, take a go and it will show that you then know.

Think hard, manage your distractions and only think about the work! This will get your brain going calmly and more focused.

You could talk to people, see how you could get through and be motivated. If You’re motivated, you will get through the SATs really happily and quickly.
Being confident also helps. If you use all these, you will survive SATs and complete it. You will feel relieved and calm.


“Keep calm and carry on.” “If you dream it, you can do it.” “The word Impossible itself says I’m possible.”


Top tip sats

SATs (standard assessment tests) are taken every year in May. They are used for placement in secondary school and assess pupils knowledge of maths, English and SPaG. Sats can be nerve-racking, worrisome and stressful. Read below to find Top Tips with sats.

If you are stuck with your work and mad at it talk to someone or just stop and talk to someone. That will take your mind of it and just do not worry about it

You should do lots of revising but you should play outside because you do not want to do all of it. You should have a good breakfast and a good night sleep and if you do get mad, take a deep breath.

The history of crime and punishments


Today i am going to tell you about the history about crime and punishment which, happend in the past. I will also tell you what was the common crime in each paragraph and the punishments too.



In the roman times crime was very harsh people wanted for all criminals to get the worst punishment such as pushed of a cliff . In the roman times the most common crime was theft and the most common punishment was flogging and some times a fine depending if you were rich and some times if people done something serious they would get exiled.


                                           Anglo saxons

The Anglo-Saxon period in Britain was from around 410 to 1066CE many  people of the population lived in small villages in the countryside and very few lived in towns. Many people grew thier own food which ment people would steal. stealing was a common crime and if people would steal someone would scream and ten people would come and take them to the king and if no one could decide they went to do the trial of odeal wich is when someone picks up boiling iron or steps on hot coal and if the burnt marks arnt there they are innocent.

                                         Tudor times

The Tudor period was from 1485 to 1603 poor people where forced to come to different towns. Poor  people begged untill they gave the poor person something and people who lived at that town would take the poor person to the king and the poor person would get a punishment like libs cut off and 10 floggings.

                                       victorian times

In the victorian times stealing was common. In the Victorian period the population increased and many people began to move from the countryside to the towns and cities to work in factories. Living conditions were often cramped with one family per room and the whole street would share an outside toilet and a water tap. people had to steal from others to get ready for winter for example and if they where caught they where sent to australia with other criminals.

World war 2

peoples homes where distroyed and may of the food was gone people would steal to feed their families. In many cities, lots of houses and shops were bombed and so looting and robbery became more common in wales England  and if people got caught stealing they had to pay a fine or stay in prison for around 6 months.

Some excellent facts, Alan with some ambitious vocabulary.  Check through your spelling errors (words with red lines underneath) to uplevel your writing. Check through and change capital letters and full stops too.




Lc: to use different sentence structures depending on the formality of writing

Have you ever wandered how crimes and punishments have changed through the centuries? In this text, there will be details of crimes and consequences throughout the Roman era to modern Britain. Further back in history people have always committed crimes and been given punishments. Theft is the most common crime of all throughout all the centuries, even now.

Crime and punishments in the Roman times

The Roman Empire ruled most of the world, during 500bc to 400ad. Rome was horrible and a dirty place too live in. That is why there was so many crimes. Murder and theft became the most common crimes in the city. More serious crimes the more horrible the punishments are; buried alive ,thrown of a cliff and having your limbs cut off. There was not any police but they did have Vigles. They would take you too the king if you did something bad. Also, they had wooden shoes and wooden planks that went around their necks, so it would be hard for them to escape.

Anglo Saxon period

Still, the two top crimes are murder and theft. Even though, treason was the worst crime. If you committed these crimes you had too have you limbs cut off, death and fines. If you committed treason you would be stretched. They were actually called the racks. There were not any police. Although,  ‘Tithings’ were a group of 10
men. Hey would chose and capture anyone if they think they are a suspect. They were kind of the police though.

Tudor period

In the Tudor times, stealing or theft was the most common crime. If you committed any crimes here are the main punishments that you would get; whipping, scolds bridle, branded, stocks and executions. Parish constables were people who would have too keep the place at peace. So, if anyone was to do a small crime you would still have a horrible crime. They would also take you to the king.

victorian period

Again, stealing was the most common crime . although, pick pocketing was the second most common crime. If you committed any of these crimes you would have to be punished by transportation, court or prison. In 1829, the police department was introduced peelers after Robert red. By 1833, it became a crime not to send your child or children to school.

ww2 (world war 2 ) period

Robbery was the most common crime at the time.  Although, stealing was still around. If you committed any of these crimes these would be your punishments the black market, death prison or a really big fine. If you wanted to know, there was police around through world war 2. Also, ww2 killed over 6 billion people.


Anglo Saxon



world war 2

Some good facts in this writing, Hope however I need you to add more factual details to each and every section.  For Year 6 writing expectation, you have much more detailed writing in your skills book. 

Our British law system throughout history:

Monday 17th January 2022. LC: To use different sentence structure depending on the formality of writing


Throughout the ages, crime and punishment has changed and advanced as well as how people would bring the criminal to justice. From 43AD to today, our legal system is still advancing for the better. From locking someone in place to be humiliated, to dunking someone in a lake, to then  sending people away to another country. Today, I will be discussing different crime, punishment and how people would be put to justice.

The romans:

During 43AD, the Romans came to invade Britain. They were successful and had power over Britain, this meant the Britons had to follow all the Romans laws and accept all the Romans punishments. The Romans had a very big population, meaning the streets where very dirty and their new Settlement attracted lots of slums. Many people where poor during that time period. Making theft the most common crime in the city.

What would happen to thief’s in the Roman era?:

If someone was caught stealing during the Roman era, they would be taken the magistry, who was the judge, and he would decide if the accused was guilty or innocent and what punishment they would get. If someone stole something (for example gold) they would be taken to the magistry for Manifest theft, this is when the accused is seen committing the crime and they are forced to pay back 4x the amount of goods they stole. There is also non manifest theft, this is the opposite of manifest theft. This is when the accused hasn’t been seen committing the crime but, the person who brought them to magistry thinks it could be them. They would still have to pay for the goods but, it would 2x the amount instead of 2x the amount.

If they accused couldn’t pay, they would be sentenced to death (they would be pushed off a cliff or executed publicly). The most painful way to be executed was crucifixion, this is when your heels and palms are nailed to cross. It was really painful because it would slowly drown you. This would happen due to the position you would be put in, which would fill your lungs with fluids and drown you without knowing it.

Anglo Saxons:

During 410AD, the Anglo Saxons came to over throw romans and they were successful. This then meant the laws the towns people used to know where replaced by Anglo Saxon law. For example, only major crime would be punished with death.

How would people be punished?:

A currency was introduced that went by the name ‘weregild’, this was used to pay fines depending what crime you committed. Theft once would resolve in a fine. However, if you stole more than once you would have your hands cut off making life more difficult. However, if the judges’ could not decide if the person accused was guilty or innocent, they would be given a trial by ordeal (A trial by God). The Anglo Saxons believed if they could not decide if someone was guilty or not, they would let God decide. They would do this by: making the accused walk across hot coal, making the accused put their hand in boiling hot water to get a stone or they would be branded with hot iron. After this, they would be left for 3 days to heal. If they healed in those 3 days, the Anglo Saxons believed God chose to heal them because they where innocent and the accused would be let go. But, if the  accused hadn’t healed the Anglo Saxons believed that the accused was guilty and they would be put to death (executed). Criminals would be brought to justice by someone raising a Hue cry (a call for help) and then chasing down the criminal until they where captured.

Tudor times:

When it was 1485, the tudors came to rule Britain. Which meant yet again another new law system was introduced. Theft was still one of the most common crimes due to more people who had no money, a much smaller town and there being no police force. As well as that, it was a lot stricter making it harder to find a job. Just like in the Roman period, criminals would be caught by locals and then taking to a panel of judges. The most common punishment was being flogged (whipped) on the back.

However, serious crimes were the only exception to execution again -for example treason and fraud-. For more minor crimes, people would be put in stocks (stocks where made to keep someone in place by their hands, head or legs) and have rotten food thrown at them as punishment. Another example of punishment is getting drunk in a public area. The punishment would be being put in a barrel (this was because that is how they stored wine and beer) to let people know what you did. One last example of a crime and how someone would be punished if a girl ‘nagged her husband too much’. This punishment was only for women and the punishment was wearing a scolds bridal.  The woman would have a helmet put on her head with a metal spiky ball on the inside. The lady would put the spiky ball in her mouth and she would be led around by her husband (as they had control over it). If the lady spoke, the spiky ball would rip her tongue. Most homeless people would be branded with a V for vagrant or vagabond using a hot iron.


During 1837 to 1901, Victorian Britain rose to the throne. It was very cramped as one family shared a room each (as well as sharing one public toilet and water tap). The Victorians boosted fear of crime by writing a book called ‘penny dreadfuls’. This was a book that went into detail about terrible crimes and was used to scare people away from committing crime.

In 1827, Robert Peel introduced a police force in England (the first police force) to ensure the citizens were a lot safer and to improve order in England and London. At first, not many people could trust the new police force but, over time they gained the towns peoples’ trust by proving that they where able to reduce crime. But despite this, they did not make a big wage although they where doing the public a big service. To raise an alarm, they would carry a ‘trucheon’, it raised the alarm by rattling.

As well as the new police force, prisons where also introduced for the first time in history and quickly became a very common form of punishment in that age. In addition to this, criminals would also be sent to Australia to do hard labour as a punishment; this would also happen to children. They did this because they believed if they got criminals to do hard labour, other towns folk would avoid committing crime In fear it would happen to them. In the prisons, it was common for the Victorian’s to get the people in there to do labour that contributed towards nothing..for example, winding a crank up to 10,000 times a day. Sometimes, the prisoners would have to tighten the screw on the handle to make it harder to crank, this is where the nickname ‘screws’ originated from. There were still fines and hanging. Another punishment was being sent to join the army.

World war 2:

World war 2 was a battle that started in 1939 and ended in 1945. During the war, lots of bombers and gas attacks happened which resolved in hardships for many people. During this time, crimes in England and Whales grew immensely! As I mentioned earlier, lots of bomb and gas attacks happened, making shop lifting and looting a very common crime. There were police forced during the war and due to lots of crime, the police officers on duty grew very quickly. At the time, their job was to capture criminals, check if anyone was braking the wartime blackout rules, search for any soldiers after bombing raids and help nurses/doctors after bombing raids. Not many woman where police officers because they had to do other daytime jobs as place holders of the men who did go to fight in the war.

As I have mentioned, looting was a very big problem during the war most looters would be given short prison sentence or a fine of the amount of the goods they stole. Due to the amount of airaids, lots of people where unfortunately killed. Not all the deaths could be investigated by police officers so criminals would take advantage of this. If someone was found guilty of murder, they would be sentenced to death. Lots of crime happened at night because of the new laws of having to black out during any air raid (lots if air raids happened at night).

The conclusion:

In conclusion, our legal system will always be changing and advancing for the grater good and the safety of the people around us. Crime has changed over the ages and how people decided what to do with criminals. Beliefs have also played a role in how we deter crime. Globally, crime will always be deterred and changed.

Excellent and well- written facts in each paragraphs, Emma.  Check through some of your spelling errors (look for the red lines underneath).