How mountains are formed (Bigwrite)

Practice   Introduction.

Surprisingly, Mountains grow very hi-gh due to the tectonic plates pushing up into the earth. It takes a very long time to form and grow. It grows very tall just like Mount Everest. Mount Everest is the tallest mountain and the fact that the mountain grew like that is amazing.

Block Mountain.

Have you ever wondered how many different ways they are formed? There are 4 ways. A dome shape, shape a block shape, a fold shape and a plateaus shape. We are going to mainly talk about how block mountains are formed, just like Mount Everest. Block mountains are formed with 3 layers. One layer pushing the mountain above sea level and two underground beneath sea level. Both of the plates underground are pushing together forming a shape/plate above sea level making another plate growing taller and taller. Once it grows that tall it becomes a mountain, a hill or a volcano. Mostly mountains like Mount Everest.


DCF 1.0

Dome mountains. Dome mountains are just like block mountains but a dome shape instead. This is another way that has tectonic plates to work. Underneath the mountain, there is a river of molten rock that pushes the mountain up forming a dome shape from the earths crust. There is a mountain called the dome mountain but don’t be fooled by the name, there are many other mountains that are formed this way. The mountains get taller and taller by this formation.

Fold Mountains!

Fold mountains are basically the same as dome and block mountains but it’s a different shape than the other mountains. Although, the mountains go higher like the other mountains, the layers fold acting like hills on top of each other. Mount Everest also uses this type of growth. It is very helpful for mountains and better so climbers can sometimes use the folds like stairs. That is how people climbed Everest.


Plateaus mountains can become really high. They are built up of earth that crumbled from the ground and that have piled and piled on top of each other, forming a tall mountain also forming hills next to the mountain. Surprisingly, the tallest Plateaus Mountains are the Tepui Plateaus mountain which is about 5,000 meters and about 16,000 feet. There’s also big mountains about plateaus in Colorado and everywhere in many countries, especially the alps.

Absolutely brilliant writing in different sentene types and paragraphs.  Super use of images and photos to enhance the writing too. Well done.

How are mountains are formed?

Have you ever wondered how mountains are formed? Although, mountains are formed over millions of years, they are all completely diverse. There are four different types of mountains; block, dome, fold and volcanic. Block mountains are created by the earths crust being pushed up in big folds or pushed up or down in blocks. Constantly, the weather wears the rocky surface away and leaves the mountain jagged.

Block mountains start to form after a Slab of land breaks apart. Then it is formed up as two of the Earth’s tectonic plates pull apart or pushed together( this is called a fault.) A fault line is lines that breaks the ground apart.

Dome mountains
Dome mountains are occur when the liquid rock inside the Earth, which forces the ground above it upwards, forms over the top. This swelling but does not break through the surface. Molten rock helps the Earth push up ,to make a dome shape.

Fold mountains

Fold mountains are the most common types of mountains. The plates push forward slowly over the years (they are 50 million years old.) Many mountain ranges are much older, such as the Himalayas.


Plateaus are flat areas of land found in high places. When a mountain is formed, blocks of Earth can fall and lift next to each other to produce a high mountain and a lower plateau.


You have included topic specific vocabulary and a variety of punctuation.   What other details could you add using clauses?  MR

Mountains forming.


How are mountains formed ? In this fact file we will answer  this question and find out  how all mountains are formed. Mountains are formed in many different ways ( block , dome , fold and plateaus)and  all of theses  mountain types are all over the world.

Block Mountains

Block mountains are formed when 2 tectonic plates collide or pull apart from each other . The ground on either  side of the block mountain is pulled down while the block mountain is pulled upwards and this is due to the tectonic plates. An amazing example of a block mountain is Mount Everest , which is in the Himalayas mountain range.

Dome mountains

When dome mountains are formed, molten rock , which comes from deep inside of Earth , pushes against the Earths crust and results in a dome shaped mountain . Although dome mountains have molten rock (lava) , it does not break the surface (crust) of the Earth and if it did then the mountain would not be a dome mountain , it would be a volcano.

Fold mountain

A fold mountain , which is the most common type of mountain , is formed when tectonic plates (over millions of years ) push forward and begin to fold , making a fold mountain. Eventually after enough time it can form a mountain range of fold mountains. The Himalayas mountain range is a folded mountain range , which began to form when the Indian and Asian plates collided .



A plateau mountain is formed in a similar way to the dome mountain and it is formed when magma fails to break the crust of the Earth ( if it did it would turn into a volcano ) . Plateaus mountains can occur in every continent of the world , which makes it take up 1/3 of our land. An example of a plateaus mountain is the Yellowstone Plateaus ( it is located in the United States ) .


VF:  Well done providing so many examples of your mountain types.  You have included fronted adverbials, a variety of punctuation and topic specific vocabulary.  MR



How are mountains formed?

Have you ever wondered how mountains are formed ? Although mountains are formed over millions of years , they are all completely diverse . There are four different types ; Block , Dome , Fold and Plateaus . Block mountains are created when the Earths crust is pulled up in big folds or forced up or down in blocks . Constantly , the weather wears the rocky surface away and leaves the mountains jagged.

Block mountains

To begin to form a block mountain , a slab of land has to break off and then is slowly forced up as two of Earths tectonic plates as they pull apart or push together . The name block mountains comes from the two blocks either side of the mountain that are forced down , while the mountain is forced up . This process is known as being forced down. Did you know , faults  are lines where the ground breaks apart to commonly make earthquakes . √ Nicely written.

Dome mountains

Interestingly , dome mountains occur when liquid rock inside the Earth forces the ground above it upward (so the swelling doesn’t break through the surface ) . The force , or pressure , which produces a dome like shape is where the name Dome mountain came from . This mountain is very different from a volcano , since the molten rock does not erupt through the crust just like a volcano , it is a type of mountain .

Fold mountain

Amazingly , fold mountains are the most common type of mountain ! Slowly, making more and more folds , the tectonic plates push forward over the years . The Himalayas in Asia are good examples of fold mountains , they are 50 million years old .  Surprisingly, many mountain ranges are older . When the Indian plate collided with the Asian plate , the Himalayas began to form .


Shockingly, Plateaus are flat areas of land which are found in high places . When a mountain is formed , blocks of Earth can drop and lift next to each other to produce a high mountain and a lower  plateau . Above sea  levels , plateaus can be found . Did you know , the Tibetan Plateau in the Himalayas is the worlds highest plateau , and the largest  . It is 16,400 ft above sea level .