Lc:To use different sentence structures depending on formally of writing

Crime and punishment

There are many different types of punishment depending on the time and place, this is what I am going to write about today. There are 5 types of unique time lines. These  are Roman Anglo-Saxons , Tudor , Victorian and World War 2. Do you want to be in any of these times?Some of them even had deafening life ending punishment’s that nobody  will ever want. I don’t think anyone would, would you? When you stool you could get whipped.


There were horrible life ending punishments that people would want to get. Like one of the worst punishment like nails hammered you down until  you can’t breathe anymore the pain is just awful and impossible  to watch the pain will hurt forever. Also, it will be a very slow and humiliating punishment to get. It was only used when you hurt someone like kill them could be anyone.It was called the criss fecshion. All the worst punishments were during 500BC and 400AD in the Roman Empire. The most common sines of theft is stealing because everyone was poor and you could get killed for it and you would want yourself and your family to sevive. There were witnesses and manifest to cach them. They had dirty streets and a huge population of 45 million. If you were pout somewere to stay for your punishment you will get Woden soes so it will be hard to escape but sometimes you will get a Woden necklace to say you crime so people know to stay away from you. If you steal you will need to pay 4 times the amount that it cost if you can’t you could get killed. If you have a son or someone in your family that got mudded you can kill them with out you having a punishment.


Theft was still the most attempted  because people were still very poor. Is you stool something your limes will get chopped off. So you can’t get a job or really eat properly. Also, very hungry, it was a very small village so there worn’t that many jobs but it was easy to get cached. If they needed help they would shout for help then people will come and help them.The king decided’s your punishment just like the rules if you kill him or a lord you will get a death penalty. Hue and cry are expected to help to cach the criminal since there was no police.Tithing which is 10 men that was in charge of there group ( behaviour).Did you know that the church can decide the punishment. Blood pice if you injured someone they could get lots of money.If you kill someone the family will get the money from the murder because you can’t give the money to the person that you killed. There was a trial by ordeal it is when they tell you to pick up a stool or sark over burning hot cool or pick up iron.


The Tudors lived for 1485 to 1603bc, they went to church regularly. Also, loads of people dieded before they turned 35 years old. They lived in Britain for a very long time. There was loads of small towns and villages  preventing crime.There was the scols bride which stops you from torking there was also such thing as the stooks. There was still no police officer,They believe if  the punishment was painful anuth people won’t do it.Whipping was the most common punishment  for these crimes: homelessness, stealing and not going to church.If you committed tresion you could get exaacuted and hung also burned like a stack.


Theft was still the most common crime committed   in the Victorian times. There has started to be a police force which helped lots of people protected Britain. There started to be more prisons and fines instead of death. Which is better for all of them but if you stool or killed someone you will get sent to Australia which you can die on the bot and it was very harsh in that time every crime that you commited you would go to prison for crimes that aren’t that bad or a fine but all of them you normally go to Australia. Thankfully that stopped in 1857 now they will only use prison and crime’s.

World war 2

Theft was of course the most common crime committed  in the world,it was because at night there were no lights to see what they are doing, shops and homes have been  bombs so it is easier to steal there belongings from them.There was no death penalty’s but loads of people died because of the air was so fin the only reason why that is was the bombs. 

Brillant facts, Chelsea for all 5 of the periods in history.  You have used commas and sentence punctuation well but have another look at key spellings- eg  stole, crucifixion, committed.    


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