The missing box

The missing box Once , there lived a girl called Sarah and she liked cases.The cases that inspired her made her feel more…well…wanting to do it. Ok! Now let’s stop chit chatting around and let’s get on with the story.Sara was a very curious girl but the problem was that she never got to solve Read More…


Once upon a time there was two boys that played roblox every second of a day! That is relaxing, suddenly there eyes tired red THEN there eyes hurt in THEN they where blind. You wanna know why? Because they watched/played to much Screen time!

Ruby the red fairy

😘Once there was a girl called Rachel Walker ,standing by the deck looking at the glittery ,  magical sea.She was sailing to a island called Rainspell island.All of a sudden it started to rain , then Mrs Walker said”Come in Rachel”but she didn’t want to so then Came a girl standing next to her”hi “she Read More…

Orpheus and Eurydice

Orpheus  was a famous poet and musician. He could tame wild animals from just his lovely music. One beautiful day he met a nice girl called Eurydice,they got married in a happy couple . One day Eurydice went skipping through the meadows and suddenly came across a deadly snake and she fell dead . When Read More…