A walk to the beach

One day Stacy went to the park.It was a warm, sunny day ,as she climbed the ladder to slide down she saw a weird,creepy dog . It hurried to Stacy , but she started to run away. Then the creepy dog caught up to her and dragged her by her collar. Then the dog stopped Read More…

Ruby the red fairy

😘Once there was a girl called Rachel Walker ,standing by the deck looking at the glittery ,  magical sea.She was sailing to a island called Rainspell island.All of a sudden it started to rain , then Mrs Walker said”Come in Rachel”but she didn’t want to so then Came a girl standing next to her”hi “she Read More…

Why Christmas is special

Christmas is special because Jesus was born at Christmas. He was born at a stable but I was born at a cottage. Crazy is it . I know it is. Remember Christmas is not just about presents even though it is exciting to unwrap them.


School is a really really cool place because you get to do a lot of activities.even though I don’t like waking up so early. I like to  go to school because I love to learn

My friends

My best friend is Munazza and Chelsea, also Alissa .They are really funny, especially Chelsea .I have a lot of fun playing with them because they are nice and kind.