music lessons

My blog is about music lessons. I  like music lessons because I like singing and we get to play with instruments. We also do  music and i play  music  on  the  ipad.


I like music because music is really fun and I love playing all of the music because it,sounds like fun and I think that’s all of the music that you can do so we can have so much fun to do and we all love music and we can dance and it,s  funny 

Music lessons

My blog  is about music lessons. I really like music, l wish we could do this every day because  it’s my favourite lesson in my life. And I really like maths  and English.  I have three sisters. My friends are Munazza and Elizabete because they cheer  me up. Thanks 

The music studio

I’m speaking to you, because if you like music, listen . Music is a mix of different instruments to make a nice beat. You can make any music you want – you can make make hip hop and jazz or more. There is no music you can’t make, but don’t make any mean music make Read More…