Masker pitch (Giuliano)

Everyone is  scared of Coronavirus: in their homes; brains full of fear; scared and worried faces being hidden. Are you one of these people? Today I will present my most amazing product you’ve ever seen. If you’re one of scared people I’ve got a question for you. Do you want to keep safe?

Masker will provide  a high quality mask for any anyone of  any age to keep you safe. As lockdown starts to ease around the world, we still have to keep safe when we go outside our homes. This mask will provide you with the safety you need. The more shops that are opening; the more you are going to have to go out. My high quality masks will be sold in a local school in Huntingdon, close to your homes. There are people who have become very sick from Coronavirus. Do you want to be one of those people? These masks will be sold in lots of different colours, which the public has chosen. These masks will only cost £1.50, that is very cheap for one high quality mas!. These masks will keep you safe from Coronavirus.

In the future, we plan to expand our company to add more products to the list: hand sanitiser, gloves and cleaning products. If you don’t buy my product, I will have to delay the extension. So please buy my product. I personally think that our company will go a long way. I see ahead into a big future for Masker.



Well done Guiliano, you have shown a real interest in your company and worked hard to improve your writing this week. You have included lots of A FOREST PIE features and followed the sentence structure of them. From Mrs Spenceley





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