The Robo589 Extravaganza

It was a dark night. The streets of Dash town were abandoned, no lights flashed from a mile away. But in the distance, a radiant beam of light was shining through the streets of Dash town as a cacophony of noise came from the withered house downtown. But no one was there for 6,583 years, so who had went into the abandoned property? Well soon, we would know.  

Five friends walk through the streets of Dash town seeking out sacred treasure. But what is it? The trail narrows down as they come closer to the famous shop, Shady’s party house. “What are we buying again?” One of the friends ask while he trails behind the rest of the gang. When they enter Shady’s shop, their presence is embraced by Shady. “ How are my best customers going?” “We came for the party materials,” Geo responds. “Just around the corner you’ll see all of it,” Shady directs as the gang scurries away. While they pack all the materials in the bag, Beam sees a light, so bright it melts him alive. “Can we get it, can we!” Beam exclaims. While they prepare their bags to leave, Geo tosses a coin inside of the bubblegum machine and marches out of the shop. As they leave they realise on thing, Kitty’s eaten all the cake and ice cream. “ Kitty, why did you eat all the food!” screams Sinal as he starts to strangle Kitty, who continues to chomp on the cake.

As they trot back to Shady’s party house, the angry sighs of Sinal come to a halt. When they got to the shop, they realised it had been too late. The cake they had bought had fell to the ground half eaten and then, Geo knew something was wrong. But by the time he turned around, all of his friends were missing. When he started to trudge home, he realised he had come upon some ice cream that made a trail into the unknown. As he started to follow the trail, he quickly came to the conclusion that the trail led to Mount Sylinia. That could only mean one thing, and that would lead to another thing. His gang were captured by R.O.I., the evil Robot Octopus Ice cream. While Geo scaled up the mountain, he could hear screams of the dead coming from the mountain. He knew his friends would be next.

When Geo reaches the top of the tapering mountain, he examines for one minute straight, just to realise his friends have been trapped inside the lava of the mountain. While he thinks about a way to trespass the premises, his friends are in the presence of R.I.O. Just as they are about to get annihilated, they hear a loud shout, “ Oh, I know. I could use my blazing ice power. When he gets inside he realises the great R.I.O begging for mercy. But Geo just tells him to come party.

                                                   THE  END