Our crime and punishment improvements though history

Lc: to use different sentence structures depending on the formality of writing


We are looking at altitudes to crime and punishment. The first Roman punishments happened in Roman time (43ad-410ad). During the Roman era there was lots of different punishment such as pouring hot led down your throat or walk 9 feet on really hot coal. At HPS we are also learning about the Anglo-Saxon, Victorian’s, Tudor times, and world war 2. So during these you can clearly tell that the punishments are going to get less violent because there getting closer to the new millennium.

The Roman era

The Romans reined from 500 bc to 400ad (which is 900 years). Believe it or not the romans actually conquered most of the civilised world and during this time the Roman army was VERY powerful.They also were very powerful they decided to take the whole Europe and most of the Middle East. Most people from the land that they recently conquered to protect the emperor as that was their main priority.

The Anglo-Saxon era

In this time crimes we’re committed fairly often. If you were a often crime committer if you were caught committing crimes you would get a limb cut off for example a hand. When you go to court you would go to a trial by ordeal which is 9 feet walking on hot coal or pour hot led down your throat like it says in the introduction if you are guilty you scars would still be there and if there not there then you would be innocent but after all that before they let you go they would be given a fine out and you will have to pay it off with silver and then if you don’t pay the king would decide your punishment if your guilty (not many people we’re innocent because of scars and wounds can’t heal in 3 days)

Tudor era

In the Tudor times whipping someone or branding someone was common because they was the only crimes that seemed to teach thief a lesson to stop robbing someone or something. Back then in the Tudor time there was no police officers so the parish constables took care of most  the crimes the punishments that was decided by the king is put in the stock or burned but back then there was no equal rights to the woman so they  got put in a scolds bridle as a punishment for when the talk bad behind her husbands back

Victorians era

In the Victorian times they reigned from 1837 to 1901. In the Victorian era they separated the rich and the poor and to be considered rich you need a thousand pound. In 1829 sir Robert peel introduced the first ever police officer  and unfortunately the police was paid poorly. Until they came to the conclusion that they were needed to their pay wage had a raise. For the first the main way of punishment during the Victorian era is the prison like the prison we have to day in modern time. Most people were sent to Australia to do hard labour until they abolished it in 1857. Around the jail cell there was pointless jobs such as walk for hours upon hours in a circle on a treadmill. Sometimes they spin a crank round 10,000 times a day and sometimes they even tighten the screw to make sure they get stronger and that’s were screws get their name

World War 2

Did you know that world war 2 was thought from 1939 to 1945. The world war 2 battle was a hardship for a very long time. The children were evacuated to the country side until world war 2 is over. In world war 2 a lot of houses and shops were bombed so looting them became a crime because thousands of people were doing it. After all the time of not having a police force however during the world war 2 there was police force and the police duties increased due to World War Their usual tasks included keeping the peace, dealing with criminals and making sure that the traffic flowed freely in towns and cities. In the police force there was not many female police officers.The Police also had new wartime duties. They had to make sure people obeyed the wartime blackout rules, help the rescue services during and after bombing raids and search for soldiers who had deserted (run away) from the army. During the war the murders increased dramatically. The air raids during the war was insane and so many  people died from air raids that the police force could not discover all the bodies during the war as too many people died during the war protecting our country . During the war criminals took advantage because of the deaths that already happened so the could not tell the difference in the death ratio. On Christmas Day during the war they played football to show mercy upon god. Not long after world war the death penalty is abolished 

Some excellent facts on the different periods in history.  You have punctuated some paragraphs into sentences well but look again at the Anglo- Saxon and World War 2 paragraphs for sentence punctuation again. 

Lc To use different sentence structure depending on the formality of writing


Have you ever wondered how crimes and punishment have changed through out the years? In this writing there will be details of crime and punishment from the Roman era to modern Britain.Throughout all the wonderful times and even further back in history, all the people have always committed That was the most common crime. Crimes and faced punishment for these For example, in the Roman times, if you committed patricide ( killing your father ) you would be put in a sack with sraken and thrown  in the river to drown.

Would you like to know what they do for Roman punishment and crimes. For example they kill you but you would be put in a sack and thrown in the river to drown and die and it has changed though the years there is detail form crime and punishment for the Roman era.

Anglo-Saxons :

Would you like to know how Anglo-Saxons live. Mose of them lived in villages and hamlets and new there neighbours really well. But mostly they worked very hard for the money they earned and  most Britons were poor.  There Anglo- Saxons began there period in Britain at 410CE.
Most of the churches held its own court and a different set of laws.

Tudor- times

The Tudor- times were a welsh English family  that ruled England from 1485 to 1603. They came to power as a result to the victory of Henry V11 over Yorkshire king Richard 111 at the battle of bosworth. If you committed treason then you will be killed. If you stop then you will get a fin and if you kill someone you will die there wasn’t police but there were people that watched the neighbourhood.

Victorian- times:

In the Victorian times they could afford really nice clothes and telephones but the poor children and adults had to work so hard in workhouse or factories they didn’t get paid very much money. By the Victorian era. All children can go to school for free. The years of the Victorian era was 20 June 1837 to 22 January  1901 but they probably got paid about 15 to 10 or 20 pounds every day to get food more clothes and to help there children or kids.

world-war 2

  1. In world war 2 was fought between 1939 to 1945 rescue workers searched through the wreckage of a police station in Coventry following the luftwaffe air range on the 8th of April 1941. It was a time of great hardship from many hard work that they done. For looting you would get a short prison sentence and a five. If you committed in the black market you get big find.  and imprisonment. And murder you are put be put to death if you are guilty

Some excellent facts, Chanel and organised well into subject paragraphs.  Check through for more spelling errors, adding capital letters for proper nouns, such as Tudor or Luftwaffe and many other examples.


LC: To use different sentence structures depending on the formality of writing


Have you ever wondered why crime has been committed? Well that’s because cruelty has always been playing with rich peoples minds! No matter what century you’re in there’s always crime. In opposition, there were always punishments to face after the crimes committed. Poor people never had another chance but to commit crime and suffer the punishment for it for the lives of their families. In this writing you will read about the most famous crimes and punishments in the British history. From the Roman era all the way to this very day. You will have fun finding out how Anglo-Saxons punished theft!


Crime and Punishment in Roman era

The Roman Empire had been roughly twirling around the 500 BC and the 400 AD. It is famous for how enormous it was in it’s time. It’s understandable power was known to every head in the whole world! However, because of its great population, Rome, the city itself had started to have darkly, dangerous areas where crime showed its true power. The most common crime to be committed was theft. Even though theft was done in the same way, your punishment depended on your status in the Roman Empire. If you were a citizen who paid their taxes you were most likely to get a fine 4 times the goods you stole. Yet if you were a common, helpless slave you could be put to death! The worst execution you could get was the famous crucifixion. Normally you could get it for betraying the Romans or murdering/threatening someone important.

Crime and punishments in Anglo-Saxons times

The Anglo-Saxons period started in Britain around 410CE to 1066 CE . Most people lived in little villages by the country side and grew their food. In each village there was someone in charge of others. They were also in charge of the church. Because most of the British population was poor, there were a lot of thieves as they needed the money to survive. If someone witnessed someone committing a crime they were expected to let out “ a hue cry “ This means to shout for help, those hearings the shout were expected to run and help catch the suspect as there weren’t any police. If you stole once you would get a fine for that, if you decided to repeat you luck and get caught you’d have you hand chopped off!

Tudors crime and punishments

The harsh Tudors invaded Britain in 1485 CE and ended in 1693 CE : The Tudor times were the times of massive changes, new lands were explored and maps were written. However, they were very harsh when it came to crime. As a result of that. Most people died before even turning 35 years old! The most common crimes were beginning and theft as people were poor and needed to survive. Petty theft was punished by whipping. The same punishment was use for those who refused to attend to church. Some criminals were also put in stocks which held your head and hands. People even threw rotten food at you as humiliation was the point of all punishments.

Victorian crimes and punishments 

The Victorian period began in Britain in the 1837 to 1901.The population increased a lot back then, people moved from the countryside to towns and cities to work at factories. It was very hard to get a job back then! And not only adults worked, but also kids who were counted as adults after turning 10! In Victorian time, kids were counted as just little adults who had to work just as hard every day. Same for the crimes, if a child committed a crime they’d have to take the punishment an adult would! Back then, theft was also the most common crime. The punishments for it were all about putting you in a loop you could never get out of. The punishments  you could get was a workhouse or being sent to Australia. The workhouse was a terrible place, they gave you a room you could sleep in and food. However, that wasn’t for free! You’d have to pay for it, however you didn’t get payed enough in one day to pay the bill. That’s why you had work and work but never actually get out of there. If you got in there before turning 18 , when you turned 18 you’d get shucked out of there. Yet because you still owned them some money you’d get sent back there soon enough. Being sent to Australia was also nearly as horrible because no one really knew about it as it was a new island climbed by Britain. It took 6 months to get there, most people died on their way there. At one point tho they realised children were children and made special schools for them if they committed crimes.

World War 2 crimes and punishments 

World war 2 war fought between the 1939 and 1945. It was a hard time for everyone. The children were sent away from their families to a countryside, to an unknown place. To an unknown family. Yet no matter how terrible how terrible the times were there was still crime committed making the situation even worse and worse. At the time, the most common crimes were: theft, murder and bombing. Theft was one of the common ones because people didn’t get paid enough and they needed food. They needed to feed their families, they needed to feed their selfs. Murder was committed a lot as people disagreed with the new rules, some people lost their life’s while being bombed. Bombing was also a common crime, shops were bombed as people needed more money and food to survive. Some people bombed more important people as they disagreed with the rules and sometimes because they didn’t get enough, enough food, enough money. It was hard to survive. Most of these crimes were punished by prison and being sent there for a short period. If you betrayed Britain you’d be put to death. The police was expected to catch the criminals and bring them to court .

Good researched paragraphs, Inna but edit your work for commas in clauses.

LC:to use different sentence structures depending on the formality of writing

Have you ever wondered what it was like all the way the way back in Roman,Anglo Saxon, and tudor times well today if not I will be telling you all about them. Moods towards crime and punishment have changes insanely  through the

years. What different factors have led to strict rules and varied of the past. One really different thing about then and now is that back then if you stole an apple you would get whipped but now if you did you would just  be told not to do it again. So the difference is so crazy back then.People would think it is okay to steal but then again it is never right to steal anything even if it is just a apple . Because people at shops go to spend there money like I said to put food  and drinks on the shelves for other people to  eat and drink so if you shop lifted before you are taking food that people spend there money on for you. DONT STEAL!

Roman period

In the Roman times the most common crime that was committed was Theft. Because 45million plus people  lived there it was super smelly and damp and overall a very dangerous and dirty place to be at. Well so many people thought that it was ok to do a crime that was small to do but they were clearly wrong because no crime was okay to do on any level. It is still a really bad thing to do even if it is just stealing an apple it is still a horrible thing to do it is called shoplifting when you steal from a shop.shoplifting well is not good at all because it is stealing from the person who spend loads of money to put food and drinks for people to get to survive. So always remember to not steal or ever do a crime.


years on years  ago people believed that a crime called treason was the worst crime you could do and they were no wrong. Treason was when you did not listen to the king or the law. Some people would not even listen to God, that is so mean so therefore the punishment was well… Execution which was seen the worst punishment possible and could happen by causing treason or murdering enough person Execution in the end could kill a person!

Tudor times
Believe it or not in Tudor times I know this is going to sound weird but he worst crime was begging. Which in my opinion was really unfair because to this day people are still begging for money to be able to get a home for theirselves and for people to see that as a crime is just really mean when all they had to do was just give them some money to brighten up their days! The most common punishment back in Tudor times was a whipping you could get this by stealing an apple from a shop so shoplifting basically.

In the years of the 1920s the police were introduced but they were originally called the vigilles which were a little group of people who got the police to actually exist to this day. Back then the vigilles were very new to being police but now days the police can handle anyone or anything. The vigilles were still very good at what they did and I am thankful for the vigilles to create police because now if there were no police it could have leaded to crimes being allowed which should never happen and has never been allowed. For a very good reason as well it is because there would be much more deaths probably lots of people stealing and it would honestly be really bad. The world would feel really bad and not safe. So that is what is what it would be like without the police. In the world life’s are saved by the police which is fonominal. In my mind nobody should even think about murdering someone because it is probably the worst crime possible to commit.

World war2
World war 2 started in 1939 and was when you would fight for your country risking your own life to save other people life’s which I think is super nice to do people In the war well fifty fifty people probably made it out alive which is really sad. Also another sad part is how long your there and your family might just say goodbye not knowing one hundred percent he will come back it must be so scary. But if they make it back alive I can just imagine how happy the family would be to see them again. Everybody who goes to the war must be scared also but knowing they would keep there country and there family safe from doing it probably make him feel ten times happier than they were. Some people well the majority of people go to the war and someone may through or shoot someone and there leg and arm could come of from it. So I really appreciate the people who go to the war to save well us? When they do not even know who we are probably so that is why I appreciate world war fighters, for saving us and keeping us safe however you risking your life for us I can still just not believe they would do that for us strangers. 1 more thing I need to say is that in the war a person wrote a poem in the war about the war and then sadly got killed so I just respect everybody in the war who was fighting for us and our country.

My opinion about all the crimes and the punishments for them is a bit unfair because if someone did not believe in God back then it was seen as a really bad thing and you could be killed for doing it. When it just someone’s opinion. And for stealing an apple you could get a really hard whipping well when now you would just get tolled not to do it ever again and then they could just go that easily. So I think most of the punishments for the crimes can sometimes not be fair at all because there was this story where this guy tried to help his family and then he go put to death for it.THE END!I hope you learned a lot more about Romans Tudor Victorian world war and Anglo-Saxons today so I think that most of the punishments for the crimes were mostly unfair.

Brandon some good facts in this writing but two major things to improve- sentence punctuation throughout and your level of fomality needs to be improved.

Lc:To use different sentence structures depending on the formality of writing|Crime and punishment throughput some of the most hardest times in history


Have you ever wondered how crime and punishment has evolved throughout history?Read this text to find out about Romans , Anglo Saxons,Tudors,Victorians and World War Two.Find out how some of these punishments are the same just with different names. You will see how some of these can be compared modern time. Such as the camps in victorians are just like concentration camps which are located in china. People send people called refugee’s. A lot of these punishments are despicable and outrageous.


Ever wanted to know about the gorinesses of the Roman punishments? What was the most common crime?Well It was theft ,there was a reason for it  most of the times this happened ,which was everyday,the most common reason was because the majority of them were poor and had no money and because they had no money they could not buy food for their families so they risked their self by stealing.Another crime that happened way to much was murder.  Murder happened way to much than it was supposed to. If you count be heading and hanging as murder, than the murder level has just raised up by a lot.One of the punishments was you had to were wooden slacks or shoes so it was harder to escape ( this was for slaves).


Anglo Saxons

serious crimes such as murder or treason, would have been a result to certain death or walking for nine feet on hot coal’s probably even putting you’re hand in boiling water to grab a stone at a bottom of a pot.Then, I they would rap up your hand and after three days dips it was still blistered they would kill you. Petty crimes such as theft you would have to pay a fine which you would not be able to afford unless you were rich. For fighting you would have to pay a fine such as twenty shillings (pounds).

Continue reading

Crime and punishment from Romans to World War 2


Crime. What is crime? In this piece of writing , this  question will be awnsered while we look through 5 different time periods. Throughout this writing you will also find out about punishments from these 5 eras : Roman times , Anglo-Saxon times , Tudor times , Victorian times and The World War 2 times. These date back to around 27BC but crime and punishment have been around way longer in the past. Depending on the crimes someone committed they would get something minor or something horrific. An example of this could be: in  the Anglo-Saxon time when you were guilty of stealing twice or more then your hands would be chopped off. Due to poverty, in most of these times , there was a lot of theft and a lot of ways to punish it.

Roman crime and punishment

In the Roman areas, there was quite a lot of crimes due to the overcrowding in Rome , which meant that there were a lot more dark dangerous places the had criminals in them. The Roman period had a lot of crimes but the most common ones were theft and . Theft was usually the cause of poverty. Another common crime was murder; it did not happen quite often but when it did happen there were serious consequences to the murder (this could sometimes result in death or extreme pain). In other places , like villages , there were special people called Vigiles these people would stop any crime and deal with it . The common crimes were  whipping or fines.

Anglo-Saxon crimes and punishments

In the Anglo-Saxon times ,there were many deadly punishments and even in some cases trial by ordeal ( making you walk across hot coals or other painful activities , they would wait for 3 days and if it was healed then you are apparently innocent and let go but if not then they kill you). For less serious crimes there would be a fine and around this time prison wasn’t an option because they did not have prisons. In villages shouting for help would not be common because it was one of the ways that criminals would get caught. If there was no body shouting, then the Anglo-Saxons would have a meathod to catch the criminal and it was called tithing. 

Tudor crime and punishments

In the Tudor times the rules were not set fairly. A straight example would be the  scolds bridle , this punishment would be for if girls gossiped , nagged or even tried to voice their own opinion , which was quite unfair, and If that wasn’t bad enough , it would destroy your mouth if you tried to talk because there was a piece of it the went inside of your mouth that had spikes on it and only the man of the house could take it off. Due to homelessness , the most common crimes were theft. People would see those people and they would catch the homeless person and take them to get a punishment. If you were poor then the most common crime would be sold into slavery for begging  from people. Another common punishment would be being branded (branded means burnt) with hot iron.

victorian crimes and punishments

In the Victorian times their crimes and punishments varied a lot. There crimes could go from a small pickpocketing to a horrifying murder. And Their punishment , they could range from being sent to Australia for hard labour to being hung. In this time of Britain , the most common punishment was hard labour and this was a consequence for a common crime. Surprisingly , the most common crime was small but sneaky , it was pickpocketing and this occurred due to transport. Criminals were caught pickpocketing by someone telling the victim of the pickpocketing (the person who is being pickpocketed) that a person is trying to steal. Hard labour (the punishment for committing a common crime) can vary from many different things. These could be  the crank or the treadmill and this happened because the victorians thought that if criminals worked hard that would not commit crimes anymore.


World War 2

The world war 2 lasted for about 6 years, which meant that there would be a lot of crimes and punishments. Unlike all of the other times , at this time they had police and the police would stop most of these crimes from occurring. The most common theft during the war was theft. Theft in the war was due to rationing and food shortages in homes. People were often caught by the police and were put into hard labour. Hard labour would be due to being caught stealing. Different punishments could be imprisonment ( being put into prison for a certain amount of time) or having to pay a fine. Paying fine may be hard if someone was stealing just to try to eat for the day but if you didn’t pay the given fine in a certain amount of days then you would probably go to prison. 

Very clear, informative writing in this report.  Good range of well- chosen vocabulary and sentences used for effect.  Check through for spelling errors though. 

LC: To use different sentence structures depending on the formality of writing.

LC: To use different sentence structures depending on the formality of writing.

Have you ever wondered how crimes and punishment have changed though out of the ages? In this writing there will be detailed crimes  and punishment from the Roman area to the modern Britain. Through out all these times and even further back in history people have always committed crimes and faced punishment for those . For example, in the Roman time if you committed patriude (killing you further), you would be put in a sack with snakes and thrown in the river to drown.

Roman crime and punishment 

The most common committed crime in Roman time was theft, people only did this as they were poor, hungry, dis-highdrated and freezing. Manifest is were you have a witness and non-manifest means you haven’t got a witness. If you stole you would’ve of being given a fine four times  the value of that item and they had  a time limit when your have to pay it on that day : like in a week, although after that week if you didn’t pay the fine you would’ve of being pushed of a cliff. Since this had happened there were a lot more because as there were many people who were homeless and poor and had no money to pay for food or clothing they would steal.

Anglo Saxons crimes and punishments
In the Anglo Saxons time the most common crime committed was also theft but it was a bit different it was called petty theft, a lot of people done petty theft to feed their families, stolen a small amount of cash. In Anglo Saxon in the villages there were people watching you and if they caught you stealing, they would cry and scream for peoples attention so they can attention and they would be witness ( they would scream so they can get u caught by more people). The punishment would be a fine or you would have your hands cut off .

Tudor crimes and punishment 
In the Tudor time the common crime was begging, people would’ve of begged for a money, more food, or a job. If you had begged a person they would make you  go to court and they would’ve of being guilty because you shouldn’t of  begged in Tudor times. They would’ve of whipped you and because they had thought it was very disrespectful they would. If you were a man and you knew the whole Bible you would be innocent.

Victorian crime and punishment 
The most common crime in Victorian times was pick pocketing because a lot of people would be poor or homeless so the item they had stole they would sell it and get the money . If you gotten caught  you would be sent to the king and you would be given a punishment.If you were a kid you would’ve of being shipped to Australia and you would’ve of being put at down the bottom you might drowned as your at the bottom of the ship and you would of been very uncomfortable because so many people were there as well, when you had got there you would have to work there(you were not aloud make friends or talk to each other because it was a very strict and horrible time).

World War Two 
The most common committed crime in ww2 was murder , this happened a lot because there was loads of wars. There wouldn’t be a punishment if you were innocent but if you was guilty you would’ve of being put to death ( since so many people had got killed and it would be impossible for the police to investigate all them death).They would have to work alot because there were many wars and they would have to train and get stong.

Kyanna, you have worked hard to create informative paragraphs and you have used several points of parenthesis.  Very well done.  Read through, uplevelling spelling errors or where some sentences read awkwardly.  

LC:to use different sentence structure depending on the formality of writing

               Monday 17th January 2022


Even though despair has always tried to take over the world, hope has always won! Did you think if crimes and punishments have bean the same throughout the years? In this text, there will be writing about crime and punishments throughout the years. Throughout the years people committed millions of crimes.

roman crime and punishments

During the time 500Bc and 400AD, the Roman Empire ruled most of the world. Did you know that the most common crime was theft? Between the 500Bc and the 400AD the army became much more powerful than ever. The city it self, became crowded Packed with people from different citys. Did you know that the most crimes are theft and murder? The most common crimes were whipping and death penalty. In the Roman times you would not have to proof that your innocent, if you were important people would believe anything you said and if you were not important then they would not care what will happen to you. Did you know that there was no police in the Roman times? If you tried to kill one of the the people in the Roman Empire you would get executed/ a death punishment. The more serious your crimes were the more serious your punishments were, but not all the time. Did you know that being poor was a crime? Did you know that the most popular in favour  punishments were crucifixion and whipping. These punishments were cruel but you have not seen all of the history yet.


You may wonder if I’m going to be talking about the Anglo-Saxon? I will be! Crimes and punishments were a bit different but they were very harsh. There was a new crime called treason. You may wonder how people were punished for treason, people were punished by death. Small crimes are punished by fines payment. There is death punishment too.In the Anglo-Saxon times if you committed theft more than once your hands would get cut off. If you would commit theft once you would get a fine. The Anglo-Saxon would leave deseasions to the god, if they would not know if your innocence. They would make you pick up a rock from flaming hot water and if you would have a mark on your hand that would mean your guilty.


The Tudors where horrible, there is thousands of horrible punishments from that time. If you were a girl this would not be a great time for you. Girls were punished for the smallest things like talking back. Woman did not have any rights, they could not work. If you were drunk in public they would make you were this thing that beer would be in which would be incredibly hard to walk, eat or any thing. Did you know that some Tudor houses are steel  steal in England? If someone thought your a witch they would put you on this thing that if you drowned you were not a witch and you would be witch if you would not be a witch but any way you would die. The Tudors were all about humiliation they would make every person who committed a crime well known.


The time of the Victorian’s started on 1837 to 1901. A lot of things happened back then. The punishments were like prison some of them at least. Did you know that in the Victorian times police began. Police were poorly paid. People would make their kids work for extra money but the got paid at least 1p a day. The people that had police did not trust them at all. Did you know that the first ever policeman’s name was Robert Peel? If the people did not like you they would send you off to Australia. The punishment for theft was getting sent to Australia. You may ask why would they get sent to Australia, they got sent to Australia because no one knew what it was they knew nothing about it. They sent people Australia until people started going there for fun and too see what it was like. Then came a new punishment called the work house. If you committed theft then you would get sent there to pay off the thing they stole but it’s not as simple because you would have to pay for being in the words house. Beryl barely anyone got out of there.

wold war 2

The wold war 2 started 1939 and ended at 1945.There was more rights in that time. Although people had more rights, people got bombed too. The amount of murder went up a lot. The police were every were, people started trusting the police. People invented lights and things to help the police with things.There we’re many broken houses because of booming.Although, there was a lot of broken house people made more and they fixed the broken houses. There was big looting problem (looting means bombing.) There was millions of people that did during the wold war 2. There was new rules; which were not that harsh and the ones with in the history.

You have written clear facts in this report, Tosia and you have chosen your vocabulary carefully throughout.  You must check and change key spellings and add commas to the clauses within sentences. 


Crime and punishment in Britain. LC: To use different sentence structures depending on the formality of writing .


Throughout history the Romans , Tudors , Anglo-Saxons/Vikings and Victorian Era. They all took over Britain and I will be telling you the atrocity and punishments that they set when they ruled Britain. Have you ever thought of what punishments used to be like? All of the retribution , throughout the history were considered as bitter, or cruel . Romans and all different era’s had draconian rules to follow and a lot of crime. All punishments from the past are different than current days.


In the year , between 500BC to 400AC the Romans stayed in Britain and ruled Britain , The Roman Empire ruled most of the sophisticated  world . During this time , they were quite authoritative and well trained to fight. Most of the crime happened because people were poor and they barely ate . There were lots of ghetto and there was lots of starvations because people were poor which meant they didn’t eat . Another reason that people were robbed and theft was the most common crime was because there was a large community of 45 million people . The punishments for crime were harsh such as Beatings, lashings with a whip , exile and death. A  punishment for embezzlement would be a fine you would have to pay 4 times more value of what you stole.


The Anglo-Saxon period was from 410 to 1066 , It stretched over 600 years in Britain. The early settlers kept to small tribal groups , forming kingdoms and sub-kingdoms . Crimes in Anglo-Saxons were being drunk but the most common one was Petty Theft. The punishment for petty theft was: a fine range from 200 to 1200 shillings.
If you stole more than once you would have your hands chopped off .  If the jury couldn’t decide who is innocent or guilty they would use the ‘trial of ordeal’ which meant that they would make the people to step on hot coals and if it didn’t heal in 3 days you are found guilty.

Tudor Times:

Tudor times occurred between 1485 and 1603 in Britain . People stole from poor people to get food because deprivation happened and people couldn’t afford food. ‘Parish Constables’ were like policemen and they were responsible to keep peace and to catch the criminals . The most common crime in Tudor times was treason , the punishment for treason was: behading  . Women would be punish with a scold’s bridle for gossiping . Different punishments were whipping, branded or even locked in stocks .

Victorian Era

In the Victorian Era , the most common punishment was pickpocketing and the punishments for that were not so bad . The Victorians believed that working hard would stop the criminals from committing crime . Policemen were hated and poorly paid but they did reduce crime. Another punishment you would be able to get if you pickpocketed would be death by hanging, they would hang you until you die.  The Victorian era period was between from: 20th June 1837 to 22 January 1901.

World War II

World War Two happened from 1939 to 1945 . The most universal crime was murder, rape , robbery , burglary and theft. Policemen had duties . If you committed a murder you would be put to death. For black market you would get a fine or imprisonment. If you committed rape you would be punished with something arranged to arrest to execution . Rape happened in the mid-1945 . The government was so worried that if you committed theft you would be sent to death penalty . During the war, reported crime rose in England and Wales to 478,394 from 303,711 .

Excellent, informative writing, Kuba. You have worked hard to vary your sentences, with the correct punctuation throughout.  You have used interesting and descriptive vocabulary and uplevelled key words well with good effect.  Well done, Kuba.


Crime and punishment in 5 different eras

LC: To use different sentence structures depending on the formality of the writing.

Would you like to educate your mind, well look no further! Ever since the beginning of society, crimes and punishment have existed. I will discuss 5 eras of time throughout Britain history and explain crime that happened and the punishments. Through scientific and historic evidence, we have found out theft has been the most common crime. But the consequences for theft has varied a lot throughout history. The 5 eras of time we will analyze will be: Roman times, Anglo-Saxon times, Tudor times, Victorian times and during WW2. These times span across 43AD to 1945AD 
and I will be explaining the crime and punishment during this time in chronological order.

Roman period 
During the time span of roughly 500BC to 400AD, the Roman Empire ruled most of the world. Their army was very powerful so it was no surprise that in 43AD Romans conquered England. Punishments were dealt with red-handed criminals. For those who did not get caught, the witness or the one who got effected with the crime would try and find them. They would either go alone or ask a friend to help them. The punishments heavily relied on the persons wealth or status. For those who were poor or did not have much of a status or not at all, they had more severe and brutal punishments. However if the suspect was a wealthy and noble man, the punishments were less painful but depended more on the money. A common punishment would be a fine but most criminals did not have money as they were committing the crimes because they were poor. If you did not have the money to pay that fine you would get killed by either them pushing you off a cliff, into a river or tied in a sack of animals (including dangerous animals) and thrown into a river. Overtime punishments got more painful as the population grew and the Romans intention was to discourage other criminals. The most brutal crime was crucifixion.

Anglo-Saxon period
During the Anglo-Saxon period, which approximately spanned from 410AD to 1066AD, crimes were a lot less common. Most people lived in a village and very few lived in towns, so everyone in the community knew each other. Major crimes like treason against the king demanded serious punishments like hanging. Whereas small and petty crimes like theft would lead to a fine. Anglo-Saxons thought that if a regular criminal got their hands or legs cut off they could not commit to crime. So they made it so if someone committed crimes regularly or more than once they would get their limbs cut off. There was also a system put in place so if the jury could not decide if someone was innocent or guilty they would have trial by ordeal. This was when a person got severely I injured and within 3 days if the bruise didn’t heal they were guilty. It was thought that god knew if someone was innocent so he would heal the injured spot. Before the system of weregild (the currency that was used to pay off fines) was put in place; the king allowed the victim or victims family to wreck their own justice on the criminal.

Tudor times
In Tudor times, there were many crimes. Most inescapable and leading to death no matter what. Most of the crimes were unreasonable since the criminal did nothing wrong or caused no harm to anyone or society. One of these crimes included witchcraft where if someone has a cat and was mysterious they were considered a witch. The punishment for this crime was the dunking stool, where the witch was dunked into water and if the suspect died they were innocent. But if they survived they were considered guilty and the punishment was death. So either way you would die for doing nothing. Fines were not as common, most crimes resulted to the Death Penalty. One of the most common punishments was hanging, this usually happened when someone committed treason, murder or theft. The most well-known punishment was execution. It was when the criminal got chopped with an axe. Most noble and rich people got this punishment instead of hanging because it was quick.

Victorian era
Throughout the Victorian era, hard labor was the most common punishment. Many Victorians believed that having to work very hard would prevent criminals committing crime in the future. Hard labor also gave money to the people in charge. There were some unreasonable crimes including; begging and being poor. Victorians believed being poor or begging would not be a great role-model for their kids. They thought if people got money for free their kids would do the same. Their was a system going on; the rich was getting richer as the poor was getting poorer. Many people needed money for food and water or clothes to survive out in the cold. Either if you committed treason or small theft most criminals were killed by death. This could be by hanging or some other punishment. During the eighteenth century, crime was at its highest, there was a great chance of being robbed or murdered outside.

World War 2
World War 2 was fought in 1939 to 1945, mostly everything was destroyed. Lots of houses and shops were bombed in the war so it made looting and robbery become more common. Since mostly everything was destroyed, there was no lights in the towns or city’s, increasing crime. Crime dramatically increased as people were in shambles and had nothing. Theft and murder were super common everywhere. Since the war was still going most criminals had no punishments. This made one-time criminals more regular. Once the war dived down a bit. Punishments like prison were now starting to be adjusted. Most criminals were fined or had a prison sentences. The police force increased since the war but looting was still common. If guilty of murder you could be sentenced to death still since the death penalty only stopped in 1964.

An excellent report,  Victor. You have used a good range of different sentence starters, good use of the comma to clause in your sentences and you have chosen and uplevelled key vocabulary to engage your reader too.