Lc To use different sentence structure depending on the formality of writing


Have you ever wondered how crimes and punishment have changed through out the years? In this writing there will be details of crime and punishment from the Roman era to modern Britain.Throughout all the wonderful times and even further back in history, all the people have always committed That was the most common crime. Crimes and faced punishment for these For example, in the Roman times, if you committed patricide ( killing your father ) you would be put in a sack with sraken and thrown  in the river to drown.

Would you like to know what they do for Roman punishment and crimes. For example they kill you but you would be put in a sack and thrown in the river to drown and die and it has changed though the years there is detail form crime and punishment for the Roman era.

Anglo-Saxons :

Would you like to know how Anglo-Saxons live. Mose of them lived in villages and hamlets and new there neighbours really well. But mostly they worked very hard for the money they earned and  most Britons were poor.  There Anglo- Saxons began there period in Britain at 410CE.
Most of the churches held its own court and a different set of laws.

Tudor- times

The Tudor- times were a welsh English family  that ruled England from 1485 to 1603. They came to power as a result to the victory of Henry V11 over Yorkshire king Richard 111 at the battle of bosworth. If you committed treason then you will be killed. If you stop then you will get a fin and if you kill someone you will die there wasn’t police but there were people that watched the neighbourhood.

Victorian- times:

In the Victorian times they could afford really nice clothes and telephones but the poor children and adults had to work so hard in workhouse or factories they didn’t get paid very much money. By the Victorian era. All children can go to school for free. The years of the Victorian era was 20 June 1837 to 22 January  1901 but they probably got paid about 15 to 10 or 20 pounds every day to get food more clothes and to help there children or kids.

world-war 2

  1. In world war 2 was fought between 1939 to 1945 rescue workers searched through the wreckage of a police station in Coventry following the luftwaffe air range on the 8th of April 1941. It was a time of great hardship from many hard work that they done. For looting you would get a short prison sentence and a five. If you committed in the black market you get big find.  and imprisonment. And murder you are put be put to death if you are guilty

Some excellent facts, Chanel and organised well into subject paragraphs.  Check through for more spelling errors, adding capital letters for proper nouns, such as Tudor or Luftwaffe and many other examples.


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