Lc:To use different sentence structures depending on the formality of writing|Crime and punishment throughput some of the most hardest times in history


Have you ever wondered how crime and punishment has evolved throughout history?Read this text to find out about Romans , Anglo Saxons,Tudors,Victorians and World War Two.Find out how some of these punishments are the same just with different names. You will see how some of these can be compared modern time. Such as the camps in victorians are just like concentration camps which are located in china. People send people called refugee’s. A lot of these punishments are despicable and outrageous.


Ever wanted to know about the gorinesses of the Roman punishments? What was the most common crime?Well It was theft ,there was a reason for it  most of the times this happened ,which was everyday,the most common reason was because the majority of them were poor and had no money and because they had no money they could not buy food for their families so they risked their self by stealing.Another crime that happened way to much was murder.  Murder happened way to much than it was supposed to. If you count be heading and hanging as murder, than the murder level has just raised up by a lot.One of the punishments was you had to were wooden slacks or shoes so it was harder to escape ( this was for slaves).


Anglo Saxons

serious crimes such as murder or treason, would have been a result to certain death or walking for nine feet on hot coal’s probably even putting you’re hand in boiling water to grab a stone at a bottom of a pot.Then, I they would rap up your hand and after three days dips it was still blistered they would kill you. Petty crimes such as theft you would have to pay a fine which you would not be able to afford unless you were rich. For fighting you would have to pay a fine such as twenty shillings (pounds).


During the Tudor time period if you were homeless or you stole something you would be wiped.They would even burn you with a hot iron on the hand as a punishment. For not as serious crimes they would put you in the stocks or pillory to be embarrassed. This would happen for following another religion or not being a Christian or religious at all. They thought if the punishment was bad not as much people would do it because they did not want it to happen to them. They would hang you, be head you, drawn and quartered or drown you. There was no police force so it was up to the villagers.



During the Victorian period there was a lot of theft , murder, mugging and beating up. All of the prisons were over flowing so if you committed murder or treason you would be very squashed in prison. If you committed a less serious crime you would go to a camp ( like present time, concention camps for refugees – which is not fare) if you beat someone up or dos etching like that  would be sent on a ship in the bottom deck underneath everything all cold were there was lots of disease for six months to be stranded in Australia which you know nothing about.

World War Two

During World War Two children were evacuated from their homes to different places. They would all have to were a gas mask the kid ones were supposed to look like Micky mouse. For crimes such as looting  you were given fines or a short period of prison. If you were in the black market and selling those things you would have a fine or imprisonment if you were found guilty of murder you would be put to death. Many took this to advantage because there was already a war going on.The police would ride bikes to patrol the area. During this time there was also something called double summer :this was because the clocks went forward for two hours.

Ciara, you have used key facts and interesting vocabulary to write this report.  Work on using a wider range of commas to mark clauses and use formal phrasing- eg avoid using the word “way” and starting questions in a more business-like, not a chatty, way.  




punctuation: dark blue

added words to make it make sense: light blue

added information: dark green

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