The world of dead L.C:To use character, dialogue and action to advance event in narrative writing


Dear Diary,

Everything has gone badly wrong. It could be a new disease or something because nothing can explain what is happening.Everything’s gone now its hard to even recognize what this world is now. It’s probably best I start from were this all began.

This all started at school, our teacher, Mr Thompson , wasn’t feeling well but it wasn’t that bad that he couldn’t teach us. We had just done registration and we were about to get ready for the day, but Mr Thompson fell asleep?(at least that’s what it seemed like). It started to draw a crowd, if you took a closer look at him……..he looked dead. He woke up but something had changed, he looked ill and his skin had briefly changed colour then he tried to attack us. He even bit someone. People tried to stop him, while they were trying to stop it, me and Gabe left. We didn’t go home because it would be a long journey on foot

We’re currently staying at a newly built house. It’s currently winter and we barely have any supplies.We might not make it ,and if we do it’s long. We may have to consider hunting if there isn’t much food, I mean,dad did teach me how to use a gun so it will be a bit easier. I’m signing off, good bye and I hope I won’t die.



Dear Diary,

I somehow survived a night. If we have no luck scavenging we’ll have to hunt, but we don’t know what we’ll use, hopefully we might find something.

We just came back from scavenging and we had to hunt. We went to a small town near by to scavenge and we did find a few things, we even found medicine which is rare a find and and in a garden shed we found a hunting rifle! we did also meet a walker (Gabe thought of a name for them). We had to shoot it. since we weren’t in a rush I managed to get a closer look at it, and their hideous Imagine a old rotting corps that it slightly green and missing one part of the body or its stomach is open with guts pouring out. Luckily the forest was near by so we did some hunting there. While we were hunting I got two squirrels but none of us know how to cook them without roasting them. Gabe has set the fire and we’re trying to figure out how to cook them.Bye, I’m signing off.



Its the morning and we’re probably going to do some scavenging.

We’re currently scavenging in the town. Me and Gabe agreed on splitting up, so that we can easily find supplies.I don’t think we’re alone I just heard a gunshot and I am the only one who has the gun I’m going to look for Gabe. I think something happened to him,I can’t find him did someone or something take him? I’m going to check the forest if I don’t write again i’m probably dead.


I like the way you have created a “hook” at the start of your story and your “zombie” idea is quite original. It made me smile to read about how your teacher becomes more and more ill. Be careful to make sure each sentence makes sense, Nessa but very well done in changing your ending and keeping within the 500 words. Big respect!!