Lc: to use character dialogue and action to advance events in narrative writing.k

The war against vampires!

A day were vampires and goblin at war the vampires do not just drink any blood it is goblins. The goblins live at X502 but the vampires do not know that they are trying to find there location for months and have no luck finding it. The goblins know were the vampires is so they can attack . The vampire kidnapped one of the goblins and now they know  were the goblins base. The king goblin demands for defences and to attack.

That goblin knew something that know one knows that there is something is so strong it could take out an galaxy the told the vampires the thing and said let’s team up against that thing let’s call him the master they went to there planet and told every thing the both kings decided to kill the master. We must fight together!

I have a plan to defeat the master I know were his planet is I think I must check on my map if we lose he can destroy our planets so easy yeah for I have defences stronger then him. You are a liar it is true said the king goblin so shall we fight yes we shall I’m going into my best ship and lets go. I see him and he looks a monster with a skull popping out with tentacles   what are red.  This is going to be a tough battle. Don’t be scared to sacrifice your life for another person . I am dropping down to him I have got some hits on the master shouts with anger you are no Mach for me the master swings his sword the goblin managed to Avoid his hits.

The master hit the goblin in the leg he is bleeding out a not a lot because he is so powerful the king goblin gets up and slain him. The vampires and the goblins went home peacefully to there planets . Although they slain the master he can come back from the dead if the body are still they if they get burnt to ash he can not come back  the master went to hunt them down in the goblins and the vampires satellite shows that he is come quick the kings said we got to prepare I have all of my troops guard the aria he could sneak at the back of the planet I see him!

A good story based on the fantasy ideas of goblins and vampires.  Read through and make sure each sentence is written in punctuated sentences. Please see me so we can work on this together.