Tokisha screamed. “I DONT WANT TO WEAR THAT!!!!! I NEED A DRESS!” she cried. Tokisha always got what she wanted, although her parents only do it once Tokisha beats them up. Tokisha loved dresses, makeup and anything girly. Her parents, Olena and Yoshida, were poor because of her. Most of the time they only had enough money to pay the house bill, which was lowered by the Chinese police to be $75.00. “Honey, we we are only going for a walk, after all, thats the only place we are allowed to go except shopping.” Olena softly said. “Yeah! A walk means I need to look pretty!” shouted Tokisha.


The next morning after they had been shopping, a letter came through the letter box. “It says final warning.” exclaimed Yoshida. “What do you mean final warn-Β cough cough!” replied Tokisha. “Are you ok hunny?” asked Olena. “Of course im o-Β cough cough!”Β replied Tokisha. She kept on coughing for the next half hour. “Do you think she has-” whispered Olena. “Coronavirus?” replied Yoshida quietly.Β  They got her to take a test. “Positive?!” cried Tokisha. “I promise, I will never ask for anything so dear again! I just need a cure!” she sobbed.

And she indeed, kept her promise. And learnt her lesson.