Dear Diary, I am not going to lie, At the beginning of lockdown everyone was panicked – Not us though. Dad already told us “be cautious, know this virus is there but don’t let it worry you.”Β  But dad works at the supermarket, so obviously I was extremely worried that he could be exposed, But my role as a cadet in St.Johns had taught me many skills which has prepared me for this moment like knowing how to check peoples blood pressure,their heart rates I keep myself by following Dr ABC. St Johns has also helped me stay calm in an emergency which improves my ability to help people whilst making sure myself and others are safe while doing CPR.

I remember coming home and being told dad had been sent home with the Symptoms of COVID-19. Due to The virus being very infectious we had to take precautions, meaning I had to stop going to school earlier than everyone else. I couldn’t even say goodbye to my friends. This caused me to feel down and upset all I could ask was “when can i see my friends again?”

Mum didn’t know what to say,Β  I know she was sad for me too, she never got to experience end of year 6 so was just as excited as I was. So we spent the first few days watching films, discussing what will be happening when the school would close and how I could help with my brothers due to dad still being poorly, it was a rough few weeks but we are over the scary part.

Schools, parks,restaurants were forcibly closed. Everything is totally different now. We do all our work on a PC which i really do enjoy even if it felt strange at first, learning PE onΒ  you-tube,Β  Joe Wicks and Go Noodle is a winner at our house. I prefer Joe wicks, my little brothers like go-noodle. I find most of it boring though.

I had to quit my after school activities and replace them with hobbies indoors- I chose to learn the guitar. I have been practicing 2 songs so far, Playing the instrument is fun and i get to perform at my parents wedding if I can master it. I have just over 5 months to do it in- I find playing guitar very relaxing, It helps me to escape into my own world, which I feel at times like this is very important, Well its time for me to go now.

I will take care and be safe

Dyllon B,