Is it okay to gift someone a dangerous gift?Even though it could help them one day?

This week be have been looking at the question,Is it okay to give someone a dangerous gift?Well not only we’ve been looking at the question,but also we were writing about a book.About a father giving his two 5 year olds a dragon to take care of.Because they will rule the kingdom one day.But in my opinion I disagree with the king ,because trusting two 5 year olds taking care of a dragon is already way to much of a responibility. 

I also disagree because dragons are dangerous and could put different people,who live in the kingdom into some serious danger.Dragons could set things on fire any time they want when they are mad,technically dragons could be known as just mad people.5 year olds can forgot anything like feed it or give it water.

I dont think its okay to gift someone a dangerous gift because what if the dangerous gift can hurt someone in their house?Giving people dangerous gifts can make the person loose trust in you.Could even end a friendship.Even though it may help one day,it still doesnt give you a reason to give them it.It just seems rude,in my opinion, to give someone a dangerous gifts and completly embarassing.

There are a lot of opinions,of why not to gift someone something dangerou.I have a lot of answers for that question.

One thought on “Is it okay to gift someone a dangerous gift?Even though it could help them one day?

  1. You have structured this well Nadia, but could do with giving it a read over to yourself as some of your sentences are a bit jumbled! You make some good points, but currently they are lost!

    Well done for using additional clauses in this to extend your points, and I can see many of these have commas used correctly!

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