Top tips on sats


Before you do your sats you should do some revision and work with or without an adult but you should practice before you start the sats and before you start the sats you should get a good night sleep and for breakfast you should have a banana or a  good meal so you can focus and keep going and if you are nerves it’s fine because it will help you boost you conference and there are ways  to get over it .


Before you start you should get a practice sheet or do some revision with an adult  and before   you start the sats you should do some think like play football to keep it of your mind until you forget about it and get a good night sleep and for breakfast you should have a banana or have a very good breakfast to keep you mined going for all out the test and before you get to do your sats you should go to the bathroom so you don’t need to go through out the test .


If your doing revision you should work with an adult and if your nerves about revision it’s fine because you can over come that by doing a lot of stuff like playing football to get it off your mind or just do what you like  or reed a book so you can  just boost your confidence so when you do it you can just get it done and don’t be worried any more .