Is it okay to gift someone something dangerous, if it could help them one day?

Last week, we saw and studied a story of a King, who had gifted a dragon to his twin children for their fifth birthday. Even though he knew the risks of giving 5 year olds a dragon, which may be able to defeat a whole kingdom, he stood by his questionable decision as he knew the twins would rule the kingdom in the future, and having a dragon as an allie would change the tide in battle in the twins’ favour. This has led Year 6 to ask the question,“Is it okay to gift someone something dangerous, if it could help them one day?”. In these next 2 paragraphs, I will explain my opinion on the matter.

Following on from my original point, I will stand by the king, and agree with his future decisions. The benefits of having a person, creature, or thing as a sort of protection, is that it would probably do a better job at protecting you than you can yourself. You’ll have more time to do things you want, with no stress, or an infinite amount of time. With a dragon as a guard for vulnerable children, the kingdom would basically be immortal, being able to reach new feats in offence and defence for their time, letting his children thrive without stress. When the children do take up the challenge of ruling a kingdom, the children would not be able to be attacked without having their attacker be burnt to a crisp, putting the children light years out of harm’s way, and way closer to the perfect kingdom.

I understand that there are many reasons for and against this question, but I am positive that my reasons and thinking are valid, and why it’s fine for so somebody to have a dangerous thing if it could help them one day. Until somebody proves, for sure that I am wrong, then I will stand by mine, and the king’s opinion. After considering my points, thoughts and evidence, what’s your opinion? Do you think I’m right, or do you think the king is wrong?

One thought on “Is it okay to gift someone something dangerous, if it could help them one day?

  1. Great work Zackarie! You have an excellent tone to this writing and have clearly considered the points well. Your argument is well justified and supports with additional explanation and evidence.

    The next step for you here might be to start to further consider counter-arguments that your opinion might be faced with and then defend against them

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