LC:To use different sentence structures depending on the formality of writing


Attitudes, towards crime and punishment have changed over time. Methods of punishment were acceptable in the past are considered harsh. Why have attitudes to punishment changed over time? What factors led to the strict rules and varied crimes of the past? In this writing, there will be details of the Roman era to the amazing Britain times.??

Roman era

During the time spanning between 500 BC and 400AD, the Roman Empire rules most of the civilised world. During this time, its army naturally became very powerful and all of the conquered countries. The most common crime in this era was theft, but there where other crimes as well such as killing your father and the punishment for this would be tied up in a sack of snakes and thrown in a river to drown.

Anglo-Saxon era

The Anglo-Saxon period began in Britain around 410CE. During this time, most people lived in villages or hamlets and new their neighbours very  well. There would be a leader for each village and they were responsible for overseeing the village, the church and the various people living there. Villagers mainly farmed the land, growing their own crops. Crimes, such as treason against the king or betray a lord, would carry a serious punishment (such as the death penalty), whereas smaller crimes may lead to a fine. Regular criminals were punished very bad and have limbs cut off for their crimes. If a jury of men could not decide if a person was innocent or guilty of a particular crime they would do a trial by ordeal which meant that they would stick their hand in boiling water and pick up a stone or walk over hot coals and then your hand or feet would have to heal over three days or you would be guilty.

Tudor era

The Tudor era started at 1485CE and lasted till 1603CE. This was the time of many changes. Explorers discovered new lands and maps had to be rewritten and there were religious changes across England and Wales. There were religious fighting between the Protestant and Catholic faiths.

Victorian  era

The Victorian era started at 1837 and lasted till 1901. In the Victorian period the population increased and many people began to move from the countryside to the towns and cities to work in factories. Living conditions were often cramped with one family per room and the whole street would share and outside toilet and a water tap.

World war 2

World war 2 was fought between 1939 and lasted till 1945. Children in cities had to evacuate to the countryside. During the war the number of  reported crimes in England and Wales rose. The government had introduced new rules such as blackouts, air raid warnings and rationing, this meant that much of the country, including cites, had no lights at night and so crime increased. In many cities, lots of houses and I shops were bombed and so looting and robbery became more common.

Some detailed paragraphs, Aiden and you have chosen your vocabulary well.  Add more detail to the Romans, Tudors and WW2 paragraphs and check through , adding commas for clauses where needed. 

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