emjio maths

+= 100

+= 75

= -1


What does each one mean?


8 time tables and 13 time tables

1×8=8    Image result for 8 times tableImage result for 13 times table up to 12












13 time table













Halloween Algebra


What can you tell me about the emojis? How much are they worth? Can you comment with your own statements?

Maths Experts Partitioning

The maths experts have made a video for Year 2 about partitioning.

Times Tables

I know you may already know your three times tables, but this teacher is just too amazing at them to not share the video. Anyone else suddenly have the urge to make a times table song of their own? Mr C, the star of the video, has his own blog over here where you can find other songs and neat things.

Zoomable Number Line

I just found this Zoomable number line and spent probably way too long seeing how far I could zoom in to see the decimal places. I don’t think there’s a limit to how much you can zoom in our out! Click the link below to try it.




Maths Expert!

Hello I am part of the Maths Experts.I have a task to do a blog post about what we have done. We got are badges on 04/10/16 we had are first meeting on the 06/10/16 we have meetings every Thursday. Today it is the 07/10/16 we had a meeting just for today at lunch.

If you are wondering what we do we make Maths videos we did one for year2.We did it on Partitioning 2-digits numbers.We are starting doing videos for school our school. Miss Ruffs is the year2 two teacher that ask for us to do the video.

In are group is Alex, Harry, Kayleigh Freddie, Imogin, Katie,  Eden, Mrs Rigby(who is the leader of the Maths Expert) and of course I.

We have a logo.This are logos in are videos, but not on our badge.

Hope you like our logo.
If you are inserted in more keep looking on our blog.

By Krishna.

Maths Eyes


What maths questions can you ask?

For example: If I am driving 30 miles per hour. How far do I travel in 2 hours?

How to do do column division.

Column division

First think of two numbers: for example, 246 divided by 6.

Next write it out like this             246

Afterwards find the biggest number in the six times tables thats smaller the number you’re dividing.

like this


240 (6×40)

In brackets write what you’ve multiplied the number by.

I’ve written (6×40) which is 240

Then subtract the bottom number from the top number.

So it should look like this




As my answer was 6 so then I would subtract 6 from 6

and it should look something like this


– 240               246 subtract 240 is 6.


– 006. (x1)

Your answer subtract another number in the six times tables.

For mine it would be six subtract six which is zero. But zero isn’t my answer!

To get your answer, add up all the numbers in the brackets and then you have it!

My answer is 41 because the bracket numbers were 40 and 1 so I then added them and got 41!

How about a second example

This time let’s divide 1024 by 13.

Next write it out like this 1024

Afterwards find the biggest number in the thirteen times tables thats smaller than the number you’re dividing.

like this


910 (70×13)

In brackets write what you’ve multiplied the number by.

I’ve written (70×13) which is 910

Then subtract the bottom number from the top number.

So it should look like this




As my answer was 114 we then need to column divide again like this


104 (8×13)

In brackets write what you’ve multiplied the number by.

I’ve written (8×13) which is 104

Then subtract the bottom number from the top number.

So it should look like this





This time you cannot divide 10 by the thirteen times tables so to get your answer, add up all the numbers in the brackets and then you have it!

My answer is 78 because the bracket numbers were 70 and 8 so I then added them and got 78 but remainder 10.

How to round numbers.

If you are rounding 5 to the nearest 10 it will round up to ten. So if it is 5 higher it round up so if it is 4 lower it will round down, so 64 rounded to the nearest ten it will be 60 because it is a 4 so it will round down.So if you are rounding 126 to the nearest ten it will be …

1 4 5 6 7 8 10