Month: September 2016

How to divide fractions! Maths Expert

This is how to divide fraction.
Lets do this one.
2/4 divide 6/8.
It is quiet simple.
Step 1:You need to switch the second fraction which is 6/8 to 8/6.
Step 2: This is super easy you need to just times it.The numerator time numerator and denominator time denominator.So 2 times 8 which is 16 and 4 times 6 is 24 so the answer is 16/24.

If it is a improper fraction for example if you had 24/16.You divide the denominator by the numerator which is 1 reminder 8, but in fractions it is be 1 8/16, let me example the 1 is the whole the reminder is the numerator and the denominator is the other answer.
So it would be 1 8/24.

If you want to you can simplify it, but you can only simplify the fraction bit which is 8 over 24. You need to find a number that can simplify which is 8. 8 divide 8 is 1 and 8 divide 24 is 3.

You get 1/3 but don’t forget the whole number which is 1 so the answer is 1 1/3.

By Krishna.

Column Subtraction


And that is how you do column subtraction

Remember the bigger number on top!

Maths Experts Blog – How To – Column Addition And Subtraction

Column Addition

  1. First choose a random sum for example 546+982.
  2. Now write the number 546 and then 982 underneath it.
  3. Don’t forget to put the two under the six, the eighty under the forty and the nine hundred under the five hundred.
  4. Add together the six and the two, 6+2=8.
  5. Add together the forty and the eighty, 40+80=120.
  6. Add together the five hundred and the nine hundred, 500+900=1400, but you have an extra hundred from 120 so it equals 1500.
  7. You then have to add one thousand.
  8. Then you have to write the numbers in order, one thousand, five hundred, twenty and eight or 1528.

Column Subtraction

  1. First choose a random sum for example 156-32.
  2. Now write the number 156 and then 32 underneath it.
  3. This time make sure that the two is under the six, and the thirty under the fifty, but leave nothing under the one hundred.
  4. Subtract two from six, 6-2=4.
  5. Subtract thirty from fifty, 50-30=20
  6. Leave the 100 as it is.
  7. 156-32=124

Real Life Maths

What do real mathematicians do? Does anyone have any ideas of what they could do with their maths skills when they grow up?

Maths Experts

We are currently recruiting some pupil maths experts to work in school. These will help run the maths blog, share knowledge and promote mathematics in school.


Which skills do you think they might need?

How to round decimal places

                                    How to round




Step 1.  Choose a number

First, choose a number for example 543.750

Step 2. Round to the nearest whole number 

To round to the nearest whole number, you will need the tenths if you look at the number 543.750 the tenth is the 7. If the  digit you are looking at is 5 and above it goes ↑ if it’s 4 and under, it goes ↓ so the 3 becomes a 4 so you have 544

Step 3. Round to the nearest tenth

          Now to round to the nearest tenth you look at the number behind the tenth so you will be looking at 5, it’s above 5 so the 7 turns into an 8. Now that your number is 543.8

Step 4. Round to the nearest hundred

To round to the nearest hundred its similar to tenths, you look at the number behind it, in this case 0 so it doesn’t go up at all so your number is 543.75.


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