How to use maths in real life

You can use maths in measuring and weighing. You can measure in m,mm,cm,km. You can also measure cars in horse power.

The weights are g,kg,litres,kilo litres,millilitres, centilitres and pints.

Over the holiday I used maths on my birthday while making the cake! We weighed all the ingredients to make the cake and mixed them and baked the cake in the oven! It was delicious in my opinion and I would bake another cake because it was so good!



How to use maths in tricky situations

In the holidays I had a tricky situation to sort out but I knew I could do it using my Maths skills.

I  was baking a cake and I had to know how many grams of flour , sugar and butter to put in.  I had to find out how many tablespoons  went into 150g. I soon found out that 6 tablespoons are in 150g and I speedily put that amount into the cake mixture.

I had to read scales to measure out my ingredients, I had to use temperature to check the oven was hot enough and I used time skills by calculating how long my cake needed. If it needed 45minutes and I put it in the over at 12:30pm, I knew it needed taking out at…1:15pm.

without my maths skills, my cooking skills would not be possible.

How I used maths over the holidays!

When I went on holiday, I went to the Olympic Park. Me,  my mum, dad and cousin, Rose, wanted to go boat riding so we decided to go. My parents said “For a child its £4 and we have two children so how much would that be for the both of you?”

Really quickly I answered ” £8 for me and Rose!”

After my mum replied, “Well done, the next boat is at 3:00 and the time now is 2:37 so how many more minutes left?”

Rose beat me because she answered “23minutes.”

My father then asked, “It’s £10 for me and your mum so how much is it all together?” I instantly replied, ” £18!”

I enjoyed using Maths!


How to use maths in real life 😀

I use maths skills a lot at home.

When I played outside I needed to find out what time it was so I wasn’t late for dinner. This meant I had to be able to tell the time.

Me and my friend went to Lidl and my friend had to find out how much money we could spend and how much money we had.When I went to get my breakfast I needed to know what I was getting so I needed to find out how much money I have. This meant I had to be able to add and subtract to use money in real life.

When me and my mom went to the shop we saw a pizza that was half price so we had to pay half as much as we used to. This is the same as 50% off! a good price. When me, my friend and my family bought a pizza and we had to decide who eats what so we all ate one quarter of the pizza each. This meant I used my fraction skills in real life.

When I went to a magic show I needed to know how much 5 seats would cost. When me and my grandma went to the circus and we wanted to buy 2 boxes of cotton candy, we needed to find out how much it costs to check we had enough money.

I use maths a lot in real life!

How to do amazing in maths competition!!!

How to do amazing in maths competition!!!
One .You need to be able to be a team player.
Two .Practices help you a lot but don’t make you perfect no one is perfect.
Three .Should be good in maths.
Four .Try really hard to come first.

Hope this quick post help.

by Krishna S

Mrs Rigby’s Epic Fail

In  maths➕➖✖️➗ in year 6,we have had a paper🗒 to mark that has been done wrong by Mrs Rigby(who is our teacher👩‍🏫).We have had a chance to mark her work and this is one of the questions that she has done extremely incorrect❌.

In this question❓She has done the correct workings out yet wrote the wrong answer in the answer box 📦. We have worked out that next time our (amazing and beautiful) teacher 👩‍🏫 does the test📈She will have to watch out what she writes and check ☑️ her work before she hands it in to the ‘teacher’.👩🏿‍🎤

Mrs Rigby’s Reasoning Question mistakes

On question 2 it says:”Circle the number closest to 500″

The numbers are 525 491 511 408 550. Miss Rigby wrote 511 but the closest one is 491, 511 is 11 off but 491 is only 9 off so 491 is the least away from 500.

On question 3 the question says “Calculate 735 + 2,669

Miss Rigby says it equals 10,019 but she put them in the wrong colunm  so it actually equals 3,444.

how to work a sats question

Say  your question was: Liam hires a bike. He has to return it by 3 pm. The time is 2:25 pm  How many minutes has he got left?   Explanation on how to do it See how many minutes to the nearest 10. Then see how long it is till 3. Next add them up. The reason I have […]

Epic Hard Question Explained

Here is a super hard question answered!


Can you find a 6-digit number that is the same number rounded to the nearest 100,000 and 10,000?


This answer is so annoying 🙁 !

It is obvious!

Are you ready?

It is………………………………………………………………


This is because rounded to the nearest 100,000 is 100,000 and to the nearest 10,000 is also 100,000!

Annoying, right?



Maths trick question!


How to do SATs questions

This is a guide on how to do a multiple step question from the SATs (Standard Assessment Tests.)

Question 1

Plain Candles 35p each

Star Candles 60p each

Stripe Candles 85p each

Sapna buys 4 Star Candles and 2 Stripe Candles.

How many does she buy altogether?


Multiply 60p 4 times = £2.40p

Multiply 85p 2 times = £1.70p

Add them together = £4.10p

Question 2

Special Offer!

Buy 10 candles and get 50p off!

Josh buys 10 Plain Candles in the special offer.

How much does he pay for the 10 candles?


Multiply 35p 10 times = £3.50p

Subtract 50p = £3.00p

Thank You for reading!

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