Mathletics Update

I have been looking at the statistics for Mathletics so far: Class 12 have the most points with an enormous 128,620! Class 17 have spent 132 hours and 48 minutes on Mathletics Class 15 are the best at live Mathletics at the moment  

How to add fractions


Can you do these really hard questions?

Find the missing number of these percentage question.

12% of 56=
34% of 78=
67% of 28=

45 […%]=90
35 […%]=105
21 […%]=232

[…] 25%=125
[…] 21%=11.76
[…] 39%=30.42

By Krishna

What Are The Possible Answers?

Answer each in as many ways as possible!



Can you think of even more? put them in the Comments please 🙂

I Wonder If Anyone Can Solve These? :-)


____%10 =_____
____+ 36 =_____

Is it possible? Can you solve it?

How to multiply by 2 digits using the column method


Times tables!


Maths – can you solve these?

289463-168273 =


No calculator but you can use any methods.



What maths can you see?

What maths can you see in this picture? Comment and tell us your ideas!


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