Month: November 2017

A review of diary of the wimpy kid the long haul

The film was the diary of the wimpy kid and it was very cringy. The characters were Greg Heffley,Rodrick Heffley, Manny Heffley (a toddler) but I forgot the [...]

Diary of a wimpy kid the long haul.

On Thursday we went to the cinema to see diary of a wimpy kid the long haul, which was fun, there are 5 main characters. Greg , Rodrick ,Susan, Frank and [...]

Despicable me 3


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Oliver had a jacket full of brown;which had cuts and stain dirt. Oliver had a slim body with a threadbare jacket;with a pair of tight,ragged shoes but it [...]

My day with Rose

I have a cousin called Rose, me and her went out one morning and I'm going to tell you about how I enjoyed the morning. So one morning my father woke me [...]

should we always speak up when someone is bullied?

what do you think about bullying? how would you react to bullying? how would you  feel if you were bullied if you are a bully would you stop? my feel: I [...]

should we speak up if someone is being bullied??

I think we should listen to your own heart because feeling like you should tell someone you might be very embarrassed.Kids this age always want to fit in with [...]

Diary of a wimpy kid the long haul (IT WAS SO FUNNY)

The start was funny it was when a family went to a fast food restaurant then the little boy can't remember his name but he went on the play area and shouted [...]


The film was very funny my favourite part was when Rodrick (Wimpy Kids brother) holds a sign saying they are kidnapping us.The story is wimpy kid is called [...]

Diary of the wimpy kid the long hall!

The thing that happens in the film was at the start everyone was excited because they were going on a road trip but it ended up in a complete disaster because [...]