
Diary of a wimpy kid the long haul (IT WAS SO FUNNY)

The start was funny it was when a family went to a fast food restaurant then the little boy can't remember his name but he went on the play area and shouted [...]


The film was very funny my favourite part was when Rodrick (Wimpy Kids brother) holds a sign saying they are kidnapping us.The story is wimpy kid is called [...]

Diary of the wimpy kid the long hall!

The thing that happens in the film was at the start everyone was excited because they were going on a road trip but it ended up in a complete disaster because [...]

What we did in the morning!!!!!!!!!

This morning,we went through the hub and   did the register.After that ,all of us went to the pink hall and  did puzzles.First we did penguin game where you [...]

100 word challenge

The fun day stared like they all do at Charlie's Chocolate Factory . First strolled up to his long purple  boat with a umpalumpa to make sure everything is up [...]

When the puzzle company came to visit….

On Thursday the 28th of September the happy puzzle company came to visit hps. Yr 6 came first to say welcome and play a couple of challenges. We had to get in [...]

100 word challenge

One day , Hannah and her friend Kim were taking a walk into town . As they got halfway they saw a large colourful mess. " This was not here yesterday " ! Cried [...]

100 word challenge

One TERRIFYING day, two hunters came with a RV to a massive forest to find five missing people who were in the forest.They got out of their car to search for [...]

100 word challenge

One windy day in America a massive blender was made but it fell down with all the ingredients inside and it made giant fruit. Two people there are workers for [...]

objects in my house that were invented by british people.

The television was invented by John Logie Baird  in 1925 Alexandra Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876 . In 1979 James Dyson  was the [...]