
Leaver Blog

My favorite memory is at lunch when Caleb was trying to open his Frube. But he couldn’t so he slammed it on the table and it explode all over him.

My favorite play was in year 3 and it was called “How Rudolph got his red nose” and I was reindeer 5 so I had a main part which I like being in a play.

I will miss all the good times we have had here.

I wish luck to all the people who are at here and are going to go here.

10 facts: space

The Sun is over 300000 times larger than earth.The Sun is over 300000 times larger than earth.

Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system with a surface temperature of over 450 degrees celcius.i

The only planet that rotates on its side like a barrel is Uranus. The only planet that spins backwards relative to the others is Venus.

Saturn isn’t the only ringed planet, other gas giants such as Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune also have rings, they are just less obvious

The Solar System formed around 4.6 billon years ago.

Halley’s Comet was last seen in the inner Solar System in 1986, it will be visible again from Earth sometime in 2061.

Jupiter’s 4 biggest moons are named Europa, Ganymede, Callisto and Io.

In 2006, astronomers changed the definition of a planet. This means that Pluto is now referred to as a dwarf planet.

Some of the fastest meteoroids can travel through the solar system at a speed of around 42 kilometres per second (26 miles per second).

The first man made object sent into space was in 1957 when the Russian satellite named Sputnik was launched.

Miss Rigby’s mistakes(On her reasoning papers.)

0n question 2 it says “Circle the number closest to 500”

The numbers are 525 491 511 408 550 Miss Rigby writes 511 but the closest one is 491, 511 is 11 off but 491 is only 9 off so 491 is the least away from 500.

On question 3 the question says “Calculate 735 + 2,669

Miss Rigby says it equals 10,019 but she put them in the wrong collunm  so it actually equals 3,444.



Braking news: Oscar mix up!!!

Braking news in the Oscar awards the best picture award was given to the wrong film

The best picture award was given to Lal Lal land but that was wrong because the announcers read the wrong thing the real winner was moon light. The actor presenting the award, Warren Beatty, explained that he had been handed the wrong envelop. The Lal Lal land people came up to do there speeches and just then they where told it was wrong.Warren Beatty holds the card for the Best Picture OscarThe award was initially given to La La Land as the wrong envelope had been handed to actor Warren Beatty who was presenting the award! Oops! The award was initially given to La La Land as the wrong envelope had been handed to actor Warren Beatty who was presenting the award! Oops!

My puppies



I have two puppies one is called Kiki and the new one Ozzie. Kiki is about 10 months old and we got her when she was 4 months old, Ozzie on the other hand, is about 10 weeks old we got him when he was 9 weeks old, we have not had him long. Kiki is a Tibetan terer while Ozzie is a cavapoo (king chisels spaniel crost with a poodle, the mum was the poodle and the dad was the king chisels spaniel).

They “play” together (or Kiki bights Ozzie head off) but some times they play tug of war (or Kiki is brining the tug toy to me so that she can play while Ozzie try’s to get it).

But Kiki is not her self any more since we got Ozzie :(.


10 bad jokes. :)


Q, What is the fastest cake in the wold?

A, Scone!!!

( from now on they are from Good Bad Jokes https://www.goodbadjokes.com )


Q, What does a baby computer call his father?

A, Data!


Q, What do you call the security guards outside of Samsung?

A,The guardians of the galaxy!


Q, Why cant a nose be 12 inches long?

A, Because then it’ll be a foot!


Q, A man goes into the hospital with 6 plastic horses up his bum.

A, The doctors described his condition as stable.


Q, I think I want a job cleaning mirrors.

A, It’s something I could really see myself doing it.


Q, Why is Peter Pan always flying?

A, He neverlands!


Q, What’s the difference between a crocodile and an alligator?

A, One you’ll see in a while and the other you’ll see later!


Q, Why did Cinderella get kicked off the soccer team?

A, Because she kept running from the ball!


Q, What do you call a belt made out of watches?

A, A waist of time!

Good Night, Mr Tom – (complaint letter)

Here is my big write about if we were Mr Tom in Good Night Mr Tom and we are trying to get rid of Willy.

Mr T Okely

73 l=Lawn lane

Little Wilerwold

6h3 2nn

Mr H Trumble

The home office


wc21 4lw

Dear Mr H Trumble

I am writing to you about the evacuee I have been forced to have and how I can not have him for several reasons.

Firstly, he urinates the bed every night. I have to pick the mattress,then I have to tack it down the narrow steps, then I have to take it throw the narrow hallway then to the back of the garden and when it gets tonight I have to repeat the proses again.

Secondly, he can not read or right so he is in the babby class so I have had to give up all my time to teach him. I have had to give up a job all ready to teach him.

Finally, Willy has many health problems, firstly he has been sick many times so I to have had to spend a ration on medicine secondly he has fanted for no reason already and I have took him to the doctors to many times.

So I can not look after the boy. IF  you do not take the boy a way, if you do not sort it out then I will  take this to  your sopireors.

Your faithfully Mr T Okley.

How to: basic HTML

So you want to code?

well you’re in the right place!!!

Well you need to get a script editor up like code visual studio (the setting up is based on this).It is free!!!

Get the software up (download if you have not) then click “plain text” then click “HTML”

To let the script actually start you have to tipe <HTML> to end it when you want to, tipe </HTML>

To right some think down you need to tipe <p> to start and </p> to end you put that, put stuff in between those to show stuff like hello.


It will look like this,


But that’s looks boring, so let’s make it bold by putting <b> and at the end put </b>


it will look like this,


Well if there is bold there must be italic you must be thinking, whell there is you will need to put <I> at the start and you gest it  </I>


It will look like this,


And you are probely thinking what about under lined well you gest it it is <u> and </u>,

like <u>hello</u>


There is one more thing I’m going to tech you how to do the title and subheading and subsubheding and so on you need to put <h1> or <h2> and so on and put the / to end it.


it will look like this


You can stack them as well

side nots:

If you do not put <HTML> and </HTML> it will not work atoll!!!

If you do not put the / tag it will not work atoll!!!

100 Word challenge.

“Remeber rember the 5th of November gun powder and the plot”

That is the rime for bon-fire night.

Bon-fire night is where Guy Forks hated what the government was doing so he planed  to blow the house of palment up but lukely he got cort. and we celebrate this by having a bon-fire and fire workes.

Did you know that the cooler of the explotian is made by the metals in side!!!

what is your fav part of bon-fire night?

is it the spacles?

or the fire workes?

post down below

Did you know? peopel eat potatos on bon-fire night!!!