Here is my big write about if we were Mr Tom in Good Night Mr Tom and we are trying to get rid of Willy.

Mr T Okely

73 l=Lawn lane

Little Wilerwold

6h3 2nn

Mr H Trumble

The home office


wc21 4lw

Dear Mr H Trumble

I am writing to you about the evacuee I have been forced to have and how I can not have him for several reasons.

Firstly, he urinates the bed every night. I have to pick the mattress,then I have to tack it down the narrow steps, then I have to take it throw the narrow hallway then to the back of the garden and when it gets tonight I have to repeat the proses again.

Secondly, he can not read or right so he is in the babby class so I have had to give up all my time to teach him. I have had to give up a job all ready to teach him.

Finally, Willy has many health problems, firstly he has been sick many times so I to have had to spend a ration on medicine secondly he has fanted for no reason already and I have took him to the doctors to many times.

So I can not look after the boy. IF  you do not take the boy a way, if you do not sort it out then I will  take this to  your sopireors.

Your faithfully Mr T Okley.