A Diary of a dog fight-part 2

Dear Diary,

Today I was awoken by blaring sirens, so I knew the battle was still on. My heart was a bit calmer than yesterday although it was still pounding quite hard.

When I found my bearings I realized I was in a hide-out and, I had a gas mask tied tightly onto my face it also smelled horrible.We needed to get out of the hide-out though because, a German spitfire was lurking around the area. I could hear it above circling menacingly.

Along our way I could hardly keep up with the rest of the bunch, so me and my little sister walked slowly for a bit, we were exhausted. As we were walking, we came across a plane that had crashed! It had the English flag on it as well!

My little sister, Ella, was so scared that she shook from head to toe. I comforted her and whispered “Everything will be fine,” and we walked closer to the plane. It had loads of food on it! Everybody had been starving for days and finally there was food! I could hardly believe my eyes, there were juicy apples and lots more exciting goodies. Ella and I shouted everyone and we all ate until dark.

I had a weird but cool day at the same time,  i’ll speak to you soon- Bye.

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