A fight between two monsters -by Kartik

On an island, in the middle of the desert in a black night the ominous red moon shined in the sky . A  haunted school with red and black walls if anyone tries to go in it, they dies.A fight between two red and blue monsters who can control water and fire breaks out.Then the red monster bullies the other monster using it’s fire power and even hurts him then the monsters friend who also has special abilities fights the other monster. Then the outstanding magical fight starts.

A month later,  no one was defeated then the  then a strong earthquake came in then the haunted house collapsed and the monsters were damaged but they didn’t stop there and they kept fighting until  they saw that they were  destroying everything that came in their way so  they used their powers to make a powerful barrier that couldn’t let their attacks go out to destroy everything but they as their magical barrier could not absorb their pow attacks. The blue monster said that “I will beat you” “I will not let that happen” said the red monster.Then they used their powers and did the strongest attack that they could do .Then after some time they both got weak and they couldn’t fight at all if they decided to fight one of then could die.Then they looked around and they saw they destroyed the place where they lived and the animals who were nearby were really scared of them then they decided to not fight and combine their powers so they can be strong again. 

After that stopped fighting and helped the animals then the animals became their friends and they helped the to build a bigger and a better place to live. Animals like lions, monkeys got the wood to build the house. Then the monsters got some fruits to eat and they also recovered from the fight after some they build their hose and then they did a lot of fun things like swimming, floating on water or going to an different island or using fire to to cook food and heating their self if they were feeling cold . Monkeys getting woods to make a boat  to travel to different countries and islands.

Then they decided not to fight, be kind with everyone and use their powers to help people and protect them.


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