
How are mountains formed

Mountains are formed when the Earths crust (tectonic plates) pushes into each other making the mountain grow. However , they are not all exactly the same to each other. There are multiple different types of mountains , which are fold,  block, dome and volcanic,.Mountains , which are constantly eroded by the weather, are very jagged. The weather removes the rocky surface.


Plateaus are flat areas of land found in very high places. When a mountain is created parts of Earth can drop to make a higher mountain and a lower plateau. This type of mountain can often be found in places above sea level. The highest and biggest plateau is in the Himalayan mountain range. The Tibetan plateau  is 16,400 ft (5,000m) above sea levels.


Dome mountains are when the Earths crust pushes into each other and make a dome shape. Dome mountains have liquid magma which after time hardens and makes the dome shape stay. The molten rock does not erupt through the crust like a volcano. The force of the tectonic plates make this taller.


Fold mountains are the most common mountains in the world. Fold mountains are made when the Earth folds on top of the Earth. The fold mountain can be found in the Himalayan mountain range. This is the biggest mountain range and The fold mountain is the most common so it would make sense if there would be a fold mountain in the Himalayas. Humans are unsure about what the largest fold mountain is however it is in the Himalayas.


Block mountains are formed when a part of the Earth falls of and is formed as two tectonic plates pull apart or push together. Block mountains look like this. This is all you need to know about the following 4 mountains. There are pictures below.

This is a block mountain

This is a fold mountain

this is a plateau mountain


this is a dome mountain


A brilliant information page on mountains and how they are formed. Great use of subheadings and pictures.

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