a letter to my famliy if I were evacuated

Dear mum and dad,

I am writing to you to tell you how I am doing.

Well when I got on the train and it left the station .I got really tearful as I watched you both wave goodbye but I got over it. I sat next to this realy kind and sweet girl. We found out we were going to the same place and the same house. Good thing were friends not enimes. We had a great time on the train she made me forget all about why we were on the train in the first place.

When we arrived this lovely lady greeted us at the train station and said she was the bilington officer for this area and she would take us to where we would be staying. She took us to a house ware a ugly old  lady answered and  she said ” she did not  want  us” 


By kiara.




Hitler started WW2 in 1939.
Nevil Chamberling was the prime minister but later on it was Winston Churchill.
Axis powers (Germany, Italy, Japan, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria) versus Allies (U.S., Britain, France, USSR, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Greece, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Africa, Yugoslavia,Eygt).
1940 Neville Chamberlian resign and Wislton Churchill took his place.Neville Chamberlian got terminal cancer and died.
1941 USSR and USA joined the War and boths was on the Allies.USA declared war on Nazi Germany and Italy.
1942 twenty six allied air crafts were destroyed.

A Diary of a dog fight-part 2

Dear Diary,

Today I was awoken by blaring sirens, so I knew the battle was still on. My heart was a bit calmer than yesterday although it was still pounding quite hard.

When I found my bearings I realized I was in a hide-out and, I had a gas mask tied tightly onto my face it also smelled horrible.We needed to get out of the hide-out though because, a German spitfire was lurking around the area. I could hear it above circling menacingly.

Along our way I could hardly keep up with the rest of the bunch, so me and my little sister walked slowly for a bit, we were exhausted. As we were walking, we came across a plane that had crashed! It had the English flag on it as well!

My little sister, Ella, was so scared that she shook from head to toe. I comforted her and whispered “Everything will be fine,” and we walked closer to the plane. It had loads of food on it! Everybody had been starving for days and finally there was food! I could hardly believe my eyes, there were juicy apples and lots more exciting goodies. Ella and I shouted everyone and we all ate until dark.

I had a weird but cool day at the same time,  i’ll speak to you soon- Bye.

A Diary of a dog fight- part 1

Dear Diary,                                                                                                     Today I woke up through the sound of an explosion! My heart pounded so hard I thought it was going to burst! Reluctantly, I sat up and looked out my window. I saw St Paul’ s Cathedral crumble before my eyes!

The night before on the radio, I heard a man saying that we were at war with Germany, so I thought this was the beginning of it. It turned out to be it WAS!

I felt motionless but yet felt tears gushing down my face. Then my whole body shook out as another bomb hit the floor! I thought to myself ‘me and my family are going to die’!   I cowardly stepped back to my door.

In this war, I saw spitfire planes, huge bombs and hurt people, I really thought this was the end ! Tell you some more info tomorrow, Bye.

100 word challenge.

If you didn’t know about world war 2 we’ll listen up Germany tried to attack Britain and the Germany leader was Adolf Hitler .He attacked Britain and we had to fight back against Germany and we did fight back.We had not a lot off pilots and Germany had a lot of pilots and gest who won?You gest it Britain won the battle do you know why because we were smart we counted up the planes and we won its crazy isn’t it.We had teams like Belguim and Germany had Italy and we had to fight are hardest and we were the winners.


World War II

The war began on the 3rd September 1939, it began because of a man called Adolf Hitler, he sent German troops into Poland to invade them. Because Great Britain stands by Poland we wouldn’t just let them get on with so we interfered. Our Priminister at the time Neville Chamberlain said if you don’t take your German troops out of Poland then we will declare war on Germany.

After our warning Germany carried on doing what they were doing and didn’t listen to Neville CHamberlain, they egnored him and us.

So Neville Chamerlain said right then we will declare war on Germany for egnoring us and for invading Poland.

World War II

World war II started on the 3rd of september 1939. The war started because Adolf Hitler sent Germany troops into Poland to invade them.

Adolf Hitler went around killing people with gass. He also killed people that didn’t have blonde hair and blue eyes.

Neville Chamberlain warned everyone that the war was about to start. He also told Adolf Hitler to get his troops out of Poland or a war will will start.