100 Word Challenge – The dragon race!

One sunny, vibrant morning, Dani the awesome dragon woke up from his sleep and went for a stroll, on his way back, he noticed dragon flying contest banner that took place in burning-wood forest. This race was on the next day so he started training. The day had come but when he arrived, he couldn’t see anything but as the smoke cleared, he could see dragons lining up and fire-y dragons burning trees for light. He lined up with the other competitive dragons and they all dashed off. I was in the lead at first but I ended up losing.

How and why to be safe online!!!

How to be safe online

You can be safe online by:

-Only getting your real friends to see your profile not the whole world

-Making your profile private

-Not talking to people you do not know

-Dont share your personal information

-Use a typo for your name for example: Panda_cat_grande765

Why to be safe online 

-Otherwise if somebody looks at your account they will know all about you and you will not be safe.If they had your account they may even begin to spy on you and you will definetly not be safe.

I hope you now know a bit on how to be safe online.

100 word challenge

As the smoke cleared i could see a red figure. Suddenly it turned around ! i started walking towards it …my heart sank to my stomach because i was terrified.

This figure that i saw  walked towards me it was a VAMPIRE i ran towards my house and headed inside luckily i locked all the doors in my house .Then i closed the curtains and sat on my bed after a few minutes i fell asleep. An hour later i woke up and i thought that the vampire was gone  so i walked downstairs

what do you think will happen next?

Is bulling fair ?/Reply

Bulling is not fair as you could hurt somebody really badly . Today , we were looking at a magazine  and it was about bulling being good your health . But it would be really unfair if somebody just read that magazine after a school day and they were a weakling , the came home and read that magazine , they might say to them self if they were a bit crazy , “tomorrow I will go and bully some body and I will get a really good work out ” that would be really un fair for the person that had not done anything to the bully and the bully had just done it to get strong . But they get fat because they will feel happy and say to them  self that he or she will need a rest and eat food while they are watching to will make them in healthy and they will not be up to bully any more and they might find it hard to get fit again . Though cyerber bullying is a very different matter and more easy to control and you can just block them off your sight . Please read this Alice park and that is my opinion on your magazine . Thanks✒️☯️♏️♎️⚛️️⏸



100 word challenge

One,busy,nice and day. Ritchard was strolling down the streets of London and he saw people playing games and having fun. The other day Danny (Ritchard’s friend) who was in china herd that poland was invaded by Nazi Germany.

Danny and Ritchard went to London and a loud of A.R.P wardens were scouting about in London. They thought “what is going on”. Then everybody herd the London sirens go off and the Air Raid Wardens gave out Anderson Shelters to keep people safe of the Germany bombs. Later that day Nazi Germany declaired war with britain and as the smacked cleard from the smoke bomb the war was  over  like the story is

100 word challenge !

Every . Single . Day . This is just ridiculous . I am  swarmed with smoke around me , nothing in sight . As I  walk in this precarious  mist , I cough and splutter  . Suddenly , as the smoke cleared , I could see a  bright , gleaming light in the distance . Brave Men walk in to save a family of 4 , 2 wonderful children and Mr and Mrs Harp, adoring parents . They live next to me in their little thatch cottage and I played with the children everyday . I blessed them with luck that they weren’t hurt and they would live happily , and with that I went into my cottage .

100 word challenge

The smoke is coming from a cars exhaust pipe  of an green rover 25 the exhaust is slightly harmful to animals and humans it can block and blind animals and humans,there are fireworks longing and  xploding the night sky,gas from the rockets is the most poisonous in the wold and space and the galaxy and the universe.Mind blowing color and rockets exploding with amazing color and spectacular sound.Wonderful color of  exploding rockets and fireworks they make bangs and whistles also explosions .    Fireworks  are the best because they are pretty and cool they awesome and they make bangs.               


100 word chailling

As the smoke cleared all that i could see was the terrifying road ahead.  when i crossed the road i jumped because there was terrifying zombies and they had a boss called Jeff the killer. Jeff the killer was telling the zombies what to do and what to say. But luckly i did not get hurt by by the zombies.

when i got home my mom asked me how my day  was but when i was half way tough telling her something was  bannging on the do and it was  the zombies so we ran up stairs under the bed.

100 Word challenge.

“Remeber rember the 5th of November gun powder and the plot”

That is the rime for bon-fire night.

Bon-fire night is where Guy Forks hated what the government was doing so he planed  to blow the house of palment up but lukely he got cort. and we celebrate this by having a bon-fire and fire workes.

Did you know that the cooler of the explotian is made by the metals in side!!!

what is your fav part of bon-fire night?

is it the spacles?

or the fire workes?

post down below

Did you know? peopel eat potatos on bon-fire night!!!

100 Word Challenge !!!

On  a sunny day, in the summer,there was a  giant party on Maple Avenue, number 35 . At the party  there was a barbecue , which hasn’t been started yet , also lots of people . Unfortunately, I  wasn’t invited  to the party , then again every ten minutes the family was going to the shops for alcohol . When they got back they started the barbecue , but there was a lot of smoke leading towards my house .

As the smoke cleared , I could see the lovely blue sky again , but then there was green smoke , it went in about ten minutes . The party was nearly finished.


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