
There was once a battle between Norway and Scotland and king Duncan was the king of Scotland and he was a mighty king he had a brilliant soldier called Macbeth. When all the battles stoped Macbeth saw these 3 witches and they said that you would be the Thane of Glarns and Cordor and then the said that he would be king and that his friends sons would be king after Macbeth.Afterwards he wrote to his wife about that he came across  3 witches and they said that he would be king.

When king Duncan arrived at Macbeths castle to celebrate and have a feast.When it was late that night lady Macbeth said that you should kill the king and then he did and then they had blood all other them when every one found out that he has been killed his 2 sons went to Ireland and then the other one went to England.When Macbeth was king he demanded his guards to kill his friend and they did but one of the sons ran away.

Then one of the sons told England to fight Macbeth and then the witches said that no one can kill if they have been given birth out of a woman. But one of the lords could kill Macbeth because he got cut out of his mum so then he killed him and that was the end!


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