100 word challenge…

As the smoke cleared I could see what was making the grey smoke. It was one of the most evilest  wolves in the world! Wait not even the world the universe. Now I had no power against her so I needed to think fast and I mean fast… Then something came to me that I should call my friend. He was the second most powewrful wolf in the World.  He came. I was a witness to see them both FIGHT like savages. I felt scared. I didn’t know what to do. What will happen? Will my day get any worse?..


100 word challenge.

As the smoke clears my whole life pases me as I fall off the cliff,

I  think to myself while I fall”goodbye world”,

I’m in heaven now and I look down at my children that are 20 Years


As the years pass by I’m 70 and my kids are 30,

There lays my dead body in a coffin,

My whole body is still,I’m 80 now and my kids are 40 and my child

has 8 kids,

I can’t believe I’m not on earth,

I feel like streaming hunny I’m watching you but she can’t hear me,

I’m so lucky to be a mum with kids.

Michelle Magorian

Michelle Magonan is a English author for Kid’s she is know the best from her first ever book Goodnight mister tom . Michelle Magorian was is an acter and an book writer as well as an book writer . 

                                Books  she had writern      

 Goodnight mister tom 198

A littel love song 1981 

Bake home 1984 

Image result for michelle magorian books

Aspoonful of jam 1998

Just Henry 2008

Image result for michelle magorian books

Cuckoo in the nest 1994  

The front room 2016 

An intenview whith Michelle Magoran 1999 

Whos going to take caer of me 1999

IN deep water 1992 

Be yourself  2003  

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Jump 1992 

orange paw marks 1991

Waiting for myy shorts to dry 1989

In at the deep end 2016

Image result for michelle magorian books

What I am doing over the Christmas holidays

Over the Christmas holidays I am in a Pantomime with my Sister and Dad. We are in a Pantomime called Aladdin with professionals.

I am really looking forward to performing because 15 of my family members are coming to see me.

I am super excited to perform for it is a lifetime opportunity I have been practicing as a dancer.


P:S:I will tell you more information when it is over:)(:

100 word challenge

 As the grey dark fog smoke cleared my face. I was scared scared stiff i didn’t know what to do or where to go i couldn’t see a thing.All of a sudden a dark figure apeard out of knowere? So i looked realy carefully and then…PUFFFthey was gone so i ran and ran so far away i was LOST. But  when i was running the dark gloomy fog came back it was weird though because this time there was a noice…It sounded like a howling then i stopped running and looked around it was that figure again…


100 Word-Challenge……….

As the smoke cleared I see in front of me a building on fire. Although I don’t know how it happened but yet fire was spreading fast, and I mean fast! It was very dangerous, and sadly some people got badly injured. Surprisingly, it smelled like a mountain of rotten egg with a hint of old pepper! Loud as a dinosaur roaring, fire engines came racing down the road. Some people started panicking as they were people still in the the building with the flaming fire. It was very hard to breathe, plus I couldn’t see pretty much any thing. 

100 Word Challenge!

We are  in a dark place…with my freind’s…but where are they going?,


But why is he staring at me?,

It’s giving me a spin-chilling feeling,

Is he related to us?,

Does he know  me and my freinds?,

He’s  wearing a black hat and a long black jacket!?,

Is he going to huurt us?,

I hope not?!,

What if he’s a  nice man?!,

Can I hear dog barks?!,

I’m soo frightened of that old eerie man!,

I want  to  go home!!,

Stop staring  at us!!??,

I’m getting even more creeped out!,


100 word challenge

As the smoke cleared i could see a little barn up a head,i thought it was safe to stay there but as i came clowser i could see the barn all in flames.Ashes were every were fling.It all looked like char-coal. 

Thats how i knew that was were the fire started.I knew i had to run as far as i could but it was hot as the flaming sun.I felt dizzy every second i felt like my body was about to colapse.

Terrible smell was coming out of the flaming house.It smelt like rotten egg.With a hint of dog poop.

100 Word challenge Bonfire night.

Bonfire night is celebrated because on the fifth of November a group was planning to bomb the houses of Parliament.Guy Fawkes was in a group but he was not the leader. they founded out and they got their hands and hands cut off.

On the fifth of November you go to the fair and wait for the fireworks.You get out your cameras and take photos and videos.

As the smoke clears from the direction the fireworks will come. As it clears.BANG!!!Fireworks comes from a far distance.

Be careful because it is kind of dangerous.It lots of fun.

Happy Bonfire night.

my 100 word challenge- the fireworks.

On Friday the 5th November  twenty 16 I got up and  I remembered it was bonfire night! But this year it would be different because we would be having one at our house. This is one the best things to happen to us on bonfire fire night.

Let me tell you what a catastrophe happened last year. Well when a fire work display started a magnificent fire work went up and as the smoke cleared a smell of fire was smelt…

So that   is why we are never going to a fire work display ever again. So were not unsafe again.

  Thank you :]