My Grandad came to visit me- English Lesson- Poem

My Grandad came to visit me,                                                                                                 Who I could only see.                                                                                                                 My eyes sparkled with cold tears,                                                                                             This heart of mine full with deep fears.        

My Grandad came to visit me,                                                                                                 The tears quickly rolled,                                                                                                             As my Grandad , Who is bald,                                                                                               Suddenly spoke the faintest word,                                                                                       “Hello my darling girl, I love you with all the world.”

My Grandad came to visit me,                                                                                                 I could not feel or see him,                                                                                                         But I could hear and see his golden chin,                                                                               Then I realized that he had to leave soon.

My Grandad came to visit me,                                                                                                 I knew he needed to say his last speech,                                                                                 Puff! A beam of light came to meet his spiritual leech.                                                       As he drifted away my heart shriveled as small as a raisin,                                               But I finally had to say goodbye. 



Year 6

What have we done so far in maths

In maths so far we have done decimals and place value. On  our first week back we looked at place value. We played this cool game you to roll a dice 6 times to get your number, then you had to try and get 999,999 and the first to get there wins.

On our second week back we did decimals and minuses.  it was fun. One of the days we did this sheet ware we had to add or subtract minuses.In English what we have done so far

On our first week back we wrote a story on the house on Maple Street my story was about a girl who went to  went to her friends house for slumber party. Then went to go to the movies but they could not leave. Suddenly the house started lifting. It went so high and out of know ware  it dropped but lucky for them a super hero saved them.


Image result for the house on maple street
the house on maple street

On our second week we went to Thetford  Forest (I will tell you about that in a bit). So we wrote a recount . We wrote a 3 imagine and my one went like this.

Imagine a place ware the sun is scorching down, ware the supper slides fell never ending, ware the Graffilo stands as he is carefully washed: this is such a place in Thetford Forest.

What we have been doing in science

This term in science we are looking at habitats. One week we  went around the school looking for incest that live in our school. The most species found were spiders.Our time at Thetford

On Tuesday 13th of September 2016 Years 5 and 6 went to Thetford forest. We had 2 coaches year 6 had a double decker and year 5 had a normal coach.

When we got there we got put in our groups and then got stated on our  first activity witch was den building  my group only got a bit wet.

Then we did our second activity witch was a Graffilo trail and we got lost. 

World War II

The war began on the 3rd September 1939, it began because of a man called Adolf Hitler, he sent German troops into Poland to invade them. Because Great Britain stands by Poland we wouldn’t just let them get on with so we interfered. Our Priminister at the time Neville Chamberlain said if you don’t take your German troops out of Poland then we will declare war on Germany.

After our warning Germany carried on doing what they were doing and didn’t listen to Neville CHamberlain, they egnored him and us.

So Neville Chamerlain said right then we will declare war on Germany for egnoring us and for invading Poland.

World War II

World war II started on the 3rd of september 1939. The war started because Adolf Hitler sent Germany troops into Poland to invade them.

Adolf Hitler went around killing people with gass. He also killed people that didn’t have blonde hair and blue eyes.

Neville Chamberlain warned everyone that the war was about to start. He also told Adolf Hitler to get his troops out of Poland or a war will will start.


How to survive Year 6

In year 6 it is pretty easy if you try your hardest and stay focused. During your first week it is kind of hard and stressful because of all the work that has to be completed ONE WEEK! Don’t worry about the teachers being strict they are really not, in fact they are the best and they help you a lot.

1: Try your hardest                                                                                                                       I know you might feel like you don’t want to do work because you think it is boring, but trust me when I say this: if you try your hardest in life then the outcome will be amazing when you are older.

2: Keep trying                                                                                                                               To keep trying is very hard but you have to understand the meaning of keep trying. If you do get your work back because you have got it wrong, don’t just give up, you WILL get it right if you KEEP TRYING AND NEVER GIVE UP.

By K.G