What I did at the weekend!

At the weekend I went to my cousins house. When I got there my baby cousin called Lucy came running up to me and said hi Nini. I picked Lucy up and gave her a big hug.Then I went upstairs to see my other cousin called Emily.she was doing a competition at her school it was a 500 word competition but then she saw me and my brother and she stared to play with us instead she said she would do it when we went home .We went down stairs to play with Lucy .After half hour playing with Lucy my auntie ordered pizza from Tony’s takeaway. It was really yummy after having  the pizza we got to have some yummy 🍦 then we went to bed. The next day we had breakfast ,then we got dressed. When we had got dressed we had donuts 🍩 . After we had donuts we had to go home we said bye to my nanny, my auntie, my uncle and my two cousins Emily and Lucy.


A well- written blog today, Niamh!

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