Earthquakes and volcanoes


when an earthquake hits remember to drop to the ground, find a sturdy piece of furniture and hold on to it. Also be very calm. Don’t panic very bad things could happen. Earthquakes could happen at  time scientists can predict when they happen but no when it will happen it could possibly go on for ages or a couple of weeks. It could possibly go to another country and make it worse.

when a volcano hits it could possible make the earth shake and you just want to be calm and also be safe. It could happen with tectonic plates. Other types of volcanos for example like extinct ones and possibly erupt at any time. We’re not to sure if scientists can know when they’ll happen. The tech tonic plate can maybe split contents in the same way as most of the others. Some could maybe kill people if they went too close to it. Most people use a drone to catch the explosion happen. It may look cool but when your near it it’s not.