Ways to help the world


Fashion is when you throw your old clothes away, given to the people whose size is perfect for your old clothes. Instead of using your money and buying  clothes for you r your family members you can actually use things to make clothes out of like fabric or dye. Most people don’t think  about what happens when your clothes gets way too old or way too holy.  You should help the world by reusing cardboard or save the tap and so many more ways to help the world grow and be better.

Everything about animals

Facts about animals! There are some really cool facts about animals most animals have abilities for example snails have the ability to be slow. Did you know fleas can jump 350 times it’s body length but hummingbirds are the only birds that fly backwards.

Crocodiles can actually not stick there tongue however starfish do not have a brain so they cant think.

Valcanoes and earthquakes by ibrahim

The valcanoes are big and really hot, they can kill u if u touch any of the layers of the earth.If a earthquake happens hide under a table or furniture.If u are hiding near something sharp like a window then don’t hide near it because it will crack and sharp pieces will go on u.

The earthquakes is in the ring of fire.Whatever is in the ring of fire mostly has earthquakes happening.

Everything about animals

Facts about animals! Most animals have abilities like birds have the ability to fly. Did you know that fleas can jump 350 times it’s body length but hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards?

Crocodiles can not stick their tongue out. However starfishes do not have brain like humans do. There are slugs that have 4 noses and only  female mosquitos can bite then what do male mosquitoes do?

Did you know that polar bear skin is actually black and the only mammal capable of flight is the bat?