In  H.P.S  we have five values and I’m going to tell you more .

Our values are : Respect Teamwork Resilience Courage Pride

Respect : Respect is all about sharing and caring , respect for ourselves , others and our environment . We can all show respect by doing all of these things and to do lots more things aswell . Respect is shown by trying to help other people if they are stuck or hurt at something .

Teamwork : Teamwork is when you try to be friendly to people , helpful and co – opertive to other people and objects .  You normally show teamwork when you are in a group especially working together on your work .

Resilience : Resilience means when you keep on trying and never give up even if something is really hard I heard a rhyme what goes like this ‘Ask three before me ‘ that is what teachers normally say if you re stuck with your work.

Courage : Courage is similar to  resilience but the only thing different is you are trying something new or your scared to do it but you do it again anyway .

Pride : Pride is where you are proud of yourself  for something you have achieved or you have got better at.