
An Acrostic Christmas poem

Santa on his reindeer.

opening presents

having christmas lunch with your family

children playing around

parents having hot chocolate

elves working at the work shoprs who dont

icey cold snow outside

thanking for everything  we have

thinking  about others who dont have as  much as we do

having fun with friends

throwing snowballs 

Christmas Poem

Acrostic poem of christmas.

Children excited for Christmas day

Having fun throughout the house 

Reindeers help ride the slay

I love presents especially toys

So many presents waiting by the tree.

Terrible people staring at me

Many toys just for me

A lot of fun on Christmas Day.

Santa’s slay is such a ride

The meaning of christmas 

The true meaning of christmas is the celebration of the  birth of jesus who lived in Israel 2000 years ago and who died on a cross for our sins.

Forest Poem

Speedily gracefully the lights shine over,

The bendy broken tree is ancient like the mummy ,

twisty branches stretch across the cold pitch black floor,

slowly the colossal branches magicly move like bones,

the lights twinkle like mini bugs,

the are  green  as poison,

the leaves are emeralds under my feet

in the sun, the trees are beautiful,

They have come alive!

My Humorous poem!

Flying to the Great Silver Moon,                                                                                               Doing this in the late afternoon,                                                                                               Feeling so excited,                                                                                                                       My face is copyrighted,

Flying to the Great Silver Moon,                                                                                               Thinking about a Shiny Spoon,                                                                                                 Who knows what will appear,                                                                                                   Hopefully I’ll get there by next year,

Flying to the Great Silver Moon,                                                                                               Thinking about the life of a baboon,                                                                                       When I get there, I’ll take a bow,                                                                                              I bet you never knew that I am a cow!

Big question

Dear Herr Hitler ,

I am writing to you with permission of the French government to tell you that we will not tolerate your policy of invading Poland . If you want to keep Sudetenland , if you want to keep Czechoslovakia  , then you must immediately remove your troops from Poland or the Allied powers will declare war.

Poland is calm and peaceful country – sending in your troops will destroy and disturb this beautiful nation . Surely you have enough land already? You are just a lovely man,why start getting yourself in all of this trouble ? If we come to an agreement , then we stop a dramatic war and lots of unnecessary arguments.

Imagine a country where there are no wars , where there are joyful people , where there is a fair leader: this is Germany . If  you are a fair leader , now you have to show us . Being a leader is a huge responsibility.  If you want to keep your job, you have to show us, otherwise we (the Allies) will elect another leader for Germany . Make the right choice , tell your troops to leave Poland or we’ll take your land away

You need to let me know by the end of May the latest . You can send the letter to me or the French government with your response .

Yours Sincerely

Neville Chamberlin

Further and further 🕐🕕🕚🕟🕤🕑🕖🕛🕠🕥🕒🕗

Further and further,

The long door grew

I run and run,

But my soul still flew.


Further and further,

reminding me of the bad and the good,

I see my soul,

Through the beauty of my childhood.

Every step I take,

The years run by,

Killing me with memories,

As my tears run by.


Further and Further,

My mind creates images that have passed,

As they gather inside,

I run so fast.


Further and Further,

My mind goes blank,

Every step I take,

I hear a clank!

The way gets darker,

The years go by ,

I hear my life saying goodbye.
