
My review of Office 2013 blog posting

For a little while, on Microsoft Office 2013, I have been using the blog post feature and I have found it quite useful but it was a little hard to set up. I find this better as I can do more than what I could do on the original admin website, you can change colour easier, size, highlight, colour and pictures are much easier to apply as it in Microsoft Word which I am more used to. I can also check my spelling easier with the simple press of F7 or pressing Spelling in the top corner.

How to stay safe online ;-)

Staying safe online can be hard, so here is a few tips that should help with being safe.

  1. Never trust any person on the internet unless they are people that you know in real life that you talk to over the internet.
  2. When playing or talking to someone online, never give the other person any of your details like you email address as they could spam you or where you live as they could find you and possibly hurt or murder you.
  3. Online services like Xbox Live and PSN are meant to only be for play games and talking with friends not anything else, for example: explaining where you live or meeting people somewhere, do not share contact information, just keep it to Xbox Live and PSN.
  4. Try not to download or sign up to things from unknown sources, you could lose all your data which could lead to losing all of your money.
  5. Tell a parent or guardian if someone is saying something inappropriate to you or anyone else who you know.
  6. Do not give out your real name or set it as your Gamertag in Xbox, PSN or even on YouTube and some social medias.
  7. Do talk to people at your own risk but matchmaking games like Multiplayer in Halo and Battle in Minecraft.
    picture1Thanks for reading and hope you learnt something from this blog. Goodbye! 😉