
Letter from Mr Tom

Dear Mr H Trumble,

I am writing regarding to complain about the sudden evacuation conundrum that I now have to take part in. This would normally not be such a dramatic issue, but due to this child’s health situations, I am not able to take part in looking after an evacuee.

The first problem was the uranating in his bed. Due to the atrocious fact that I am not in a good condition, and I should not supposed to be carrying out an enormous mattress with uran on it. This is not the appreciated standard that I was expecting and I am not happy with the dreadful situation.

The other fact is the lack of his education.This disoriantated child is not educated to his age group standard, and due to the fact that I am too old, I will not be able to teach this poor child. I will have to waste my personal time to teach this diabolical and suffering child.Again this is appalling for me to be doing this since this child has been to school.

My money and ration has to be wasted on this unprepared evacuee. I have calculated that the cost of his clothes and food will minus the amounts of my monthly allowance. This situation might even lead me to a dreadful suffer.

If you do not get rid of this child, if you decide to take my personal time, if you dont do what I want;then I will tell your maneger to sack you and I will ask for more.

Yors faithfully,

Mr T Oakley

Letter to persuade Hitler

Dear Herr Hitler,

I am writing to you with the permission of the French government to tell you that we will not tolerate your policy of invading Poland. If you want to keep the Sudetenland, if you want to keep Czechoslovakia, then you must immediately remove your troops from Poland or the Allied Powers will declare war.

Poland is a calm and peaceful country – sending in your troops will destroy and disturb this beautiful nation. Surely you have enough land already? You are just a lovely man, why start getting yourself in all of this trouble? Surely a good leader wants to protect his country and keep them safe? If we come to an agreement, then we stop a dramatic war and lots of unnecessary arguments.

Imagine a country where there are no wars, where there are joyful people, where there is  a fair leader : this is Germany. If you are a fair leader, now you have to show us.  Being a leader is a huge responsibility. If you want to keep your job, you have got to show it to us , otherwise  we (the Allies) will elect another leader for Germany. Make the right choice ,tell your troops to leave Poland or we’ll take your land away.

You need to let me know by the of end of May the latest. You can send the letter to me or the French government with your response.

Yours Sincerely

Neville Chamberlin