
my friends

Sherlet – is my friend because she always makes me laugh.

orlaith – is my friend because she mad a gang called craecrae 

 Tia  – is my friend she always lets me play with her 

Daisy – is my friend because we both like Chelsea

Lucia – is my BEST  friend  Meeru because we love horses  

Millie – is my  friend because we play outside my house every weekend

Ellie  – is my friend because she is funny 

meeru – is my friend because we both like little 

/Grace O/

237 word challenge(friend edition)👭🎶

These are my friends  

Tia:she is a good friend we play games together and we go crazy

Sherlet:she is a good friend because she is sweet and kind but at the same time she is fun to play with

Meeru:She is the bestest friend I have ever had because she always makes me smile 

Daisy:She is my best friend because she always makes me laugh and she sorts everything out 

Ramsha:She is also the bestest friend I have ever had because she is crazy like me we call each other  crae crae twins

Alyssa:She makes me laugh but she is quite loud when you get to know her she is a good friend

Caleb:he is a good friend because if i ask one of my friends to help me with things he does and he always makes me laugh 

Pati:she is a good friend because she makes me laugh and we have a fun time playing with each other

Ellie:she is not my bestest friend but we have fun chatting 

Freddie:he makes me smile and laugh we talk a lot about what tricks we can do

chardonnay:she is also not my bestest  friend but she makes me laugh and  she tells me if anyone is mean to her 

Emil:He tells me anything like when someone was mean to him he told me and then  we played together 

I have more friends but they are not the best.