
Our new school groups in year 6

Since the autumn half term we have changed quite a lot of things around in year 6. For starters, we changed all the classrooms around and now we have 3 learning spaces:
-The hub;This is a big environment where Mrs Rigby’s group work in

-Independent Learning base;This is not really an independent space but that is what we call it, this is Mr Geary’s

-Maths base;This is the smallest out of all of the rooms and that is where Mr Quinlan’s group work in.

You were probably wondering what is going on about with the groups but this will tell you what they are.These are our 3 groups that year 6 is split into. We each have a teacher and our space where we all work at all times.So basically,our groups are like our classrooms but all of year 6 is mixed up in with the classes.Also our lockers are put in the classes that we work in to make it easier for ourselves.

I hope you enjoyed reading about our new school groups in HPS in year 6!!! 🙂

Pokemon Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby

Pokemon Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby

Pokemon ORAS (Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire) are games available for the 3DS. The game launched worldwide in 2014. ORAS are remakes for the Pokemon gen 3 games Pokemon ruby and sapphire. Funny Fact: These games got 7.8/10 on IGN for ‘Too Much Water’.

Your adventure begins in Hoenn, a region pokemon-oras-rivalswith many smaller islands around and lots and lots of deep blue water. You have just moved into a small town called Littleroot where you get to meet your rival, if you chose that you’re a boy, your rival will be May, but if you chose to be a girl your rival will be Brendan. You will be able to choose from 3 starters: Torchic, Treecko and Mudkip. Once you start your journey you will encounter lots of different Pokemon. As you journey further you will encounter Wally, who will request your help to catch a Pokemon. When you help him, you will go into nearby tall grass and Wally will encounter


Mega Evolved Starters

a Ralts, who will later evolve into Gallade. As you journey on, you will battle gyms to get badges so you can challenge the fierce Elite 4. Later on Route 120, you will encounter Steven, the champion of the Elite 4 who will request your help. Once you’ve finished the task he will give you your first Mega stone. This mega stone will either be a Blazikenite, Sceptilinite or Swampertinite depending on which starter Pokemon you chose (These mega stones are for the full evolution of your starter). Mega Stones unleash full power of your Pokemon by changing their shape and making them look more awesome than ever (in my opinion mega blaziken is the best)! The mega evolutions are:MBeedrill, MPidgeot, MSlowbro, MSteelix, MSceptile, MSwampert,  MBlaziken, MSableye, MSharpedo, MCamerupt, MAltaria, MGlailie, MSalamence, MMetagross, MLatios, MLatias, MRayquaza, MLopunny, MGallade, MAudino, MDiancie, MVenusaur, MBlastoise, MCharizard Y, MCharizard X, MAlakazam, MGengar, MKangaskhan, MPinsir, MGyarados, MAerodactyl, MMewtwo X, MMewtwoY, MAmpharos, MScizor, MHeracross, MHoundoom, MTyranitar, MGardevoir, MMawile, MAggron, MMedicham, MManectric, MBanette, MAbsol, MGarchomp, MLucario, MAbomasnow, Primal Kyogre and Primal Groudon.

Thank You For Reading.



Our newspaper

This week in year 6 we have been thinking about doing a year 6 newspaper so all of us are writing about something.

We have split into 3 groups with our 3 teachers, 1 group are doing it on whatever we like , the 2nd group and the 3rd are doing it all on WW2 evacuees.

Different people in the first group are doing it on different things here are some examples:

-Super moon

-Macmillan coffee morning

-Children in need


-American elections

-WW2 evacuees

-Football match-England and Sapin 2:2

-F1 racing

-and loads of other different ideas going on around the news this week.

100 Word Challenge!

As the smoke cleared, my eyes got used to the hazy darkness of the decayed and burnt mansion. I decided to explore the ‘haunted’ mansion and I found a large kitchen like room wich, to my suprise, had a fire still burning! I slowly approached it because I was curious and then I poked i, but, it was freezing cold unlike normal fire. The longer I explored, the colder I felt, so I traveled back to my comfortable home to process what I saw. The following day, people told me the creepy mansion just dissapeared into thin air last night…

100 word challenge …as the smoke cleared :)

As the shiny moon lifted,as the smoke cleared, Erin knew what to do.She creeped slowly into the darkness of the halloween night.”Evie I think we can find sweets here ,come on you slow turtle!””Alright I am coming!” said Evie while trembling with fear.The girls walked further into the misty street and creeped into the backyard of a freaky  house.”Erin,I dont think this was a good idea!”she shouted.”Oh come on Evie ,just one more house!” While suffocating her pour  old teddy,she walked further towards her brave friend.They blew the door open,but when they did they knew there was no  turning back.