
Cyber bullying

Cyber bullying is using ICT and you basically text mean things to your friend our just exculed the person ( your friend )out of the texts . You can text in school , at home or somewere else. It is horible  to bully people and it  can really upset someone. As cyber bullying is bad , all the other types of bullying can be bad so you shouldn’t do any of it at all and if someone does it to , just tell a teacher or an adult near you .

Is bulling fair ?/Reply

Bulling is not fair as you could hurt somebody really badly . Today , we were looking at a magazine  and it was about bulling being good your health . But it would be really unfair if somebody just read that magazine after a school day and they were a weakling , the came home and read that magazine , they might say to them self if they were a bit crazy , “tomorrow I will go and bully some body and I will get a really good work out ” that would be really un fair for the person that had not done anything to the bully and the bully had just done it to get strong . But they get fat because they will feel happy and say to them  self that he or she will need a rest and eat food while they are watching to will make them in healthy and they will not be up to bully any more and they might find it hard to get fit again . Though cyerber bullying is a very different matter and more easy to control and you can just block them off your sight . Please read this Alice park and that is my opinion on your magazine . Thanks✒️☯️♏️♎️⚛️️⏸



Is Bullying Fair? (Reply)


Bullying is not fair at all as it can damage a persons social life for a long time, even a few years or even forever. While it can sometimes make the bully feel better, it can make the victim feel terrible and end in feelings like depression and anxiety. It can cause problems with developing healthy social connections for years after the experience of bullying.

Causes of Bullying

Bullying is often caused after the person who is bullying is hurt them self (Someone being horrible to them). 

Is Bullying fair? (Reply)

Bullying is fair depending on who you bully because if you bully a bully it’s fair because they’ll know how it is to get bullued and they won’t try to bully anyone else if they know how it feels. – Mikolaj

It is not fair because if you have had enough of people bullying you, if you come in one day and say i’m a bully now because it makes you healthy. -Filip

The End \_(^ ^)_/                                                                                                                                                                           [    ]                                                                                                                                                                                /     \