
marvel characters.


These are all of the marvel characters

  1. IRON MAN. iron man’s first film was in 2008 followed by his 2nd and 3rd films which were made in 2010 and 2013.  Iron man is played by Robert Downy JR. he has also made films like avengers assemble what was made in 2012 and age of Alton was made in 2015. Robert was born 1965 April the 4th.
  2. ANT MAN.  Ant man is played by Paul rudd. He started ant man in  8TH OF                                          JULY  2015. Ant man is a marvel superhero how can shrink to ant size and can grow to giant size. another good marvel hero by Stan Lee.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
  3. HULK!. hulk is now as Bruce banner,acted by mark ruffalo, the hulks power is used when hes angry,but hes ALWAYS ANGRY so another great from Stan lee


This is the story of macbeth

One day a man called macbeth was in war he was fighting for Scotland. During the war lots of men died .      After the war macbeth discovered three witches these witches told macbeth about the future. After that he was announced fane of cordor. Then macbeth went to his wife to say he wanted to murder king Duncun. After that macbeth murdered king Duncan.