

so when you  want to find the closest  number to something you find the difference between the number and the other number that you are given you could times divide add etc but you have to use the method in the right way so your trying to find 500 from 450 so you could add 50 to get their but their is another number 510 so  you could easly do  510-10=500 that  was my guide  how to find the difference between 2 numbers



The hangman man,who has a terrible time, is the man that you draw on a board\paper he hopes that you don’t lose the game or else he would be fired from his job. He doesn’t worry because he gets reincarnated to another drawing like a game of noughts & crossings he is nought (however he liked his job as a stick man) so he cheats by changing the amount of letters that there is so he wastes there time and helps the children not do any work for the afternoon and he helps another person by cheating. but if he was caught cheating he would be downgraded to the PEN, which you get scrubed on the board every day

The home guard

The home guard were volunteers to defend Britain from enemy’s like Germans in the 1940’s. Winston Churchill, who founded the home guard, was the prime minister during ww2. The home guard defended and reported any sightings of German activity.The home guard were made up of disabled citizens or those to old to fight,and those to young to fight as well. An approximate number of people in the home guard was one and a half million. The home guard helped the army with food and goods. The home guard was just as important because the soldiers fought but the home guard protected.

3 facts about space

The space that we know is made out of a matter called bionic matter  and it has been proven by top class scientific engineering personel but only some of the univerce is made of this so the rest is made out of dark matter.

Nobody does know how many LY it acuilly is so we just asusm that has now end.

Uranus (not that time right now) and Neptune are nearly the same size.

bullying is not fair

bullying is not fair It is not because both ways you get hurt  so that why.bullying is not fair because one person is getting Heath benefits and  phychological  it is not fair because you can feel depressrion.